Middle School Programs

What does Cambridge Look like at The Middle School Level? 

Middle school, referred to as Lower Secondary, is a continuation of the Primary years. We are a full school in that all students receive the Learner Attributes, Global Perspectives, and Active Learning but with added Cambridge honors level courses for those students who are ready to receive fastre pacing. Students are prepared for the rigors of the Cambridge Program at the high school level as well, by learning what the next steps look like and what expectations are required for success. All students continue to hone their skills in learning their roles in the classroom and the world. 

Francis Bradley Middle School

Contact: Laura Champury: laura.champury@cms.k12.nc.us

Mountain Island Lake Academy

Contact: Natasha Ridge


Coulwood STEM Academy 

 Contact Donald Robbins: donald.robbins@cms.k12.nc.us