
 Graphing Calculator (TI-83 or 84) - you will need this for in-class and at-home use. If you need to check out a calculator for the semester, please fill out student info and parent signature on the following form and return. Remote Learning Note: You do NOT have to have a graphing calculator. We will be using Desmos!

 3-ring binder (2-inch or larger recommended)- 5 dividers labeled warm-ups, notes, homework, quizzes/tests, and

miscellaneous OR you may choose to also organize your papers in chronological order.

 Notebook paper

 Graph paper

 #2 pencils with good erasers

 Colored Ink pens

 Black dry erase marker (thick tip)

  • Handheld dry erase board

Class Donations of tissues are always very much appreciated as well as Clorox/Lysol wipes, hand sanitizer, and paper towels!

Thanks in advance!