
What Will I Need During The 2022-2023 School Year in Mrs. Ryan's ELA Class?

1.) Independent Reading Material... EVERY SINGLE DAY!

2.) Pencil Pouch with Writing Utensils, Scissors, Tape, and Highlighters (great to use throughout the day in all classes)

3.) A Divided Section for ELA in your 3-inch Binder with Loose Leaf Paper

4.) Earbuds/Headphones

5.) Good Attitude. The class cannot move along smoothly without everyone's cooperation! I expect everyone in my class to be respectful, Bradley students. If there is ever an issue, don't hesitate to address it with me or any of the other teachers. If there are continuous issues, I will contact home in order to work out a plan for a successful year.

Click here to see what you need for ALL of your classes this year!

Mrs. Ryan's 7th Grade ELA Syllabus

Mrs. Ryan's Syllabus