Visual Art (Beginning) Semester 2

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Google Classroom Code = 3g3dnwd

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Available for tutoring Tues 2:15 – 3:15 pm

Room C101

****Parent/Guardian must sign acknowledgement at the bottom****

VISUAL ART: In this course, students will explore the elements and principles of design, art history, various artistic methods, procedures, processes, materials and mediums. Students will become familiarized with tools in the art room. Students will produce 2D and 3D artwork while sharpening their critical thinking skills. There will also be an emphasis on learning how to critique art, enhancing artistic vocabulary and problem solving through art making and analysis.

STUDIO WORK: Artistic development occurs in the studio as knowledge of art making is layered upon. While in the classroom, students will be building upon their artistic understanding and skills in carefully monitored time. Students will be brainstorming, creating preliminary sketches, reviewing their ideas and outcomes, participating in discussions and presentations regarding the art-making process and finally creating formal projects.


  • Use the language of visual arts to communicate effectively.
  • Apply creative and critical thinking skills to artistic expression.
  • Create art using a variety of tools, media, and processes, safely and appropriately.
  • Understand the global, historical, societal, and cultural contexts of the visual arts.
  • Understand the interdisciplinary connections and life applications of the visual arts.
  • Use critical analysis to generate responses to a variety of prompts.

SUPPLIES: There is a $25 lab fee required for this class. This fee covers most of the supplies that we will be using over the course of the semester including: drawing paper, colored pencils, paint, brushes, clay, glazes, yarn, glue, and more. In addition to the lab fee, your child will need to bring some basic materials each day including:

  • Pencils
  • Eraser
  • Handheld pencil sharpener
  • Sharpie
  • Sketchbook

CELL PHONES: The use of cell phones in class is strictly prohibited. Students will turn their phones on silent and place them in their designated slot upon entering the classroom. If students are caught using a cell phone in class, the phone will be confiscated and they will receive a ZERO as an informal class grade for the day. Occasionally I will allow students to take photographs for specific projects but this will be announced ahead of time.


  • Incomplete Formal projects will be dropped 1 letter grade.
  • Late Formal projects will be dropped 1 letter grade if submitted after the 5-day grace period.
  • If a FORMAL project needs to be made up, or is missed the student must also have successfully completed and turned in all required INFORMAL coursework leading up to that bigger assignment.
  • Late informal assignments will receive 1/2 credit.
  • Any late work submitted within the last 5 days of the quarter will receive no higher than a 50%.
  • Work that is not submitted correctly will be considered late.


Projects will be graded based on the following criteria:

1. Effort and efficient use of class time

2. Unified Composition and Design

3. Creativity and Original Solutions

4. Craftsmanship and Technique

5. Followed Format/Overall accomplishment

Each area of the rubric will be scored on a 6 point scale:

5-6.0=A or well above average

4-4.9=B or above average

3-3.9=C or average

2-2.9=D or below average

0-1.9=F or well below average.

Projects/ End of Project Tests /Assessments = 60%

Homework/Journaling/Notebook/Quizzes = 20%

Exams = 20%


  • Students may retest for up to a 79%.
  • The 2nd score will be used regardless of which is higher.
  • Students must receive some form of review before retesting.
  • Students must retest within 2 weeks of receiving their score.
  • Students may not rework an existing art piece for a formal grade. They must submit a new artwork and have demonstrated full completion of all INFORMAL assignments and planning work leading up to the final piece .ex (Sketchbook assignments, exit tickets..)


  1. Be on time. Make sure you are in your seat when the bell rings.
  2. Bring your sketchbook and materials l to class every day and be ready to work.
  3. NO cell phones .All phones should be silenced put in the bin upon arriving to class. If you are caught with a phone in class, the phone will be confiscated and you will receive A ZERO as an informal grade for the day.
  4. No food allowed while in studio.
  5. Be respectful of yourself, each other and our class materials.
  6. Absolutely no inappropriate language in class. I do encourage a welcoming and collaborative space, but please be mindful during studio time to watch your language and topic of conversation. Keep it school appropriate!
  7. Clean up after yourself. If you take something out, put it back and toss any trash which you have accumulated in your work area.
  8. Do your BEST!! Effort goes a long way in my class. I am looking for GROWTH not perfection!

Student acknowledgement __________________________________________________

Parent / Guardian acknowledgement __________________________________________________