Progress Report:

Parents, click here to show that you have reviewed your child's grade for progress reports:


It is my deepest wish that every student in my classroom achieves at very high levels. I truly believe that with LOTS of hard work from your child we will soar to success and make significant academic gains. 


We have a lot to cover over and your child will see the most success if you,  your child,  and myself work as a team. These are some of the ways you can help your child be successful

It is also very important for you to emphasize the importance of homework and hard work. As they will have homework every night, please help them to establish a regular time and place (away from the TV and internet) to complete their homework.  

Please do not wait for formal conferences to discuss any questions or concerns you have with me or regarding your child’s progress.

 I will do my very best to keep in touch with you about your child’s progress. I look forward to frequent communication with you as we work together to ensure your child’s success!



 Mr. Acosta