Registration FAQs

What are the PowerSchool codes for A/B classes and 4 X 4 classes?

A/B classes will end in 0800 and 4 X 4 classes will end in 0000.

How do you make sure you have registered for the correct amount of 4 X 4 and A/B classes?

In your course requests you should have 8 classes total. This can be a combination of classes. For example, if you select 3 A/B day classes, you must select another A/B class to match….then you would need to select another 4 classes to = 8 classes total.

Another example would be taking 6 - 4 X 4 classes and then you could request 2 - A/B day classes which would = 8 classes total

What is the difference between a Standard and Honors class? How do you know which level to take?

Many classes are offered at the standard and honors level. The essential standards for each class are similar, but honors level classes delve deeper into the material and may require a higher level of self direction. Standard level classes weighted on a 4.0 gpa scale. Honors and MYP level classes are weighted on a 4.5 GPA scale. AP, DP/CP classes are weighted on a 5 GPA scale. 

Your past and present teachers are a great resource for suggesting which level will challenge you and will be the best fit for you! Check out our class descriptions for details regarding honors vs. standard. 

Should I take a math course each year?

Depending on your post-secondary plans it is suggested that you take a math class each year. Taking a math class each year keeps the material fresh and will help the transition to a college level math. 

For Foundations courses, do I need 1 or 2 sections in my schedule?

To sign up for a foundations course for extra support in math, select the foundations course AND the standard level course.

Ex. Foundations of NC Math 1 + NC Math 1


How can I find out if a course has a prerequisite (a class required before you take the next level) ?

On the course card, the course will have (~) next to it. 

When should you take a foreign language and for how long?

Two years of a world language are required for college admissions. If your student would like to get the two year requirement completed, it is suggested that he/she enroll in the first level junior year and complete the second level senior year. We offer higher level world language courses and if your student plans to enroll in the 3rd, 4th or even AP level language courses, then it would be recommended he/she begin freshman or sophomore year.  While two years is required to attend a 4-year college, taking additional levels will help set a student stand out amongst their peers.

Is an Art credit required for graduation? For college?

An Art credit is not required for graduation. South Carolina colleges and universities often require an art credit, but be sure to check with each individual school.

What is the difference between a weighted and unweighted GPA?

Weighted GPAs take into account any honors, AP/IB and CPCC level courses. Most unweighted GPAs are recorded on a scale of 0 to 4.0, and most weighted GPAs are recorded on a scale of 0 to 5.0. An A is a 4.0 regardless of what the class is. A student who scores an A in a standard level class, honors level or AP class will all have a 4.0 GPA. 

Weighted GPAs reflect a student’s rigorous course load. They are usually measured on a scale of 0 to 5.0. 

What is the difference between AP, DP/CP classes and CPCC classes?

CPCC classes are college classes, taught by college faculty.  As long as a student makes a C or better in these classes, they will receive college credit. Classes on the transfer agreement may transfer to a college/university. Students are encouraged to talk with the admissions department to ensure the class transfers. AP and IB DP/CP classes are taught by high school staff at the high school and follow the AP College Board and IB Diploma Level/Career Level  curriculum. Students must pass exams for these classes to earn college credit. Both types of classes give students high school credit and weighted credit towards the high school GPA. 

To earn AP or IB  credit, what do you need to score on the exams?

This depends on the university but generally a student will need to score a 3,4 or 5 on the AP exam for a 4, 5, 6,or 7 on the IB exam will earn credit. You need to check with the individual university to learn about their requirements.

How do you register for CPCC sections in PowerSchool?

Students interested in taking CPCC classes should enter the CPCC hold(s) into their schedule when planning courses for next year. Students must obtain a signature from Ms. McGraw in the Career Center. Students must complete the paperwork to register for CPCC classes. 

Rising 10th Non-IB Registration Tip Sheet 24-25.pdf
Rising 11th Non-IB Registration Tip Sheet 24-25 (2).pdf
Rising 12th Non-IB Registration Tip Sheet 24-25 (1).pdf