Event Details

Date: 05/09/2017

Time: 1:40 PM

Venue: LH301

Event Type: Activity

Event Description:

Knowledge based entertainer, that requires two in a team to play this game. The aim of the game is to bet for your teammate to answer the question without communicating with them. The team with the most number of points wins. There were 2 rounds played that day , the first one was with the teachers and the second one was with the students . Each team was provided 30 points and were sitting one behind another to avoid the communication with each other . Once the question is told to the teams , the partner has 20 seconds to bet The ETA Club ( within the points they have remaining ) a certain amount of points guessing if their respective teammate knows the answer or not. The team with the highest bid gets a shot at answering the question . If the answer is correct the team gets the respective amount of points that they bid for , else they lose those many points and the next highest bid gets a chance to answer . Each game consists of ten rounds , after five rounds the teammates swap positions .