Dr. Ciyamala Kushbu S
Assistant Professor
Information Science and Engineering
CMR Institute of Technology
Personal E-mail:ciyamala91@gmail.com
Official E-mail: ciyamala.s@cmrit.ac.in
Dr. Ciyamala Kushbu S currently serves as an Assistant Professor in the Department of ISE at CMRIT, Bangalore. Prior to this role, she had 6.5 years of teaching experience as an Assistant Professor in the Department of ECE at RMK College of Engineering and Technology, Tamil Nadu. Additionally, she had 7 years of Research Experience in Anna University, Tamil Nadu.
Her academic contributions include the publication of over 14 journals and conference papers, participation in more than 15 FDPs and workshops, and the authorship of a book titled "Advanced Computer Architecture," published by Sahara Publications. Notably, she has three papers indexed in the Web of Science.
She holds the distinction of being a University Rank holder in both her B.E and M.E degrees. Furthermore, she achieved the position of school topper in both 10th and 12th grades. Her outstanding article was recognized as the best paper at MIT, Chennai. Moreover, she stands out as one of the top 10 candidates for a project selected by ICTACT.
Book Publication
Authored the book "Advanced Computer Architecture" published by Sahara Publications in 2017, bearing the ISBN Number: 978-93-86636-16-4.
Published a Lab Manual on "Digital design and Computer Organization" in 2023.
Journal and Conference Publication
S.Ciyamala Kushbu,Chettiyar Vani Vivekanand, R Purushothaman, Inbamalar T M, M Amala Justus Selvam, “Tiny ML-based Non-Invasive Approach of Cardiac Monitoring”,2024 7th International Conference on Contemporary Computing and Informatics (IC3I),2024,18 and 19 September 2024,Amity University Greater Noida Campus. (SCOPUS).
S.Ciyamala Kushbu, "Crypto Currency Price Prediction using LSTM2A-200 Analysis for Strategic Investment Moves ", International Conference on Data Science & Exploration in Artificial Intelligence on 3rd and 4th July 2024,MIT,Bangalore.(SCOPUS).
S.Ciyamala Kushbu, "Crowd Analysis using DeepSORT", International Conference on Data Science & Exploration in Artificial Intelligence on 3rd and 4th July 2024,MIT,Bengaluru.(SCOPUS).
S.Ciyamala Kushbu, Manasa Ch ,Deepa H, "Exploring Strategies for Identifying and Resolving Challenges in Deep Learning-Based Biventricular Segmentation", IEEE International Conference for Women in Innovation, Technology & Entrepreneurship (ICWITE 2024), during 16th – 17th February 2024, at Vemana Institute of Technology, Bengaluru. (SCOPUS)
S.Ciyamala Kushbu, T.M.Inbamalar, and S.Sudha, "An efficient deep learning algorithm for the segmentation of cardiac ventricles," International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology, Wiley Journal, July 2023. (SCOPUS, SCIE) (Q2 Journal)
S.Ciyamala Kushbu, T.M.Inbamalar, "Making Semi-Automatic Segmentation Method to be Automatic Using Deep Learning for Biventricular Segmentation," Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics, American Scientific Publishers, 12(2), 112-122, February 2022. (SCIE)
S.Ciyamala Kushbu, T.M.Inbamalar, " Interactive one way contour initialization for cardiac left ventricle and right ventricle segmentation using hybrid method," Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics, American Scientific Publishers, 11(4), 1037-1054, April 2021.. (SCIE)
S.Ciyamala Kushbu, Catherine Rathi Devapriya, Dhanya, "Left Ventricular Hypertrophy and Dilated Cardiomyopathy prognosis using Neural Networks," Proceedings of 5th National Conference On Information And Communication Technologies, SSN, 55-59, April,2019.
Sreeja, G.B., Inbamalar, T.M., Ciyamala Kushbu. S, "Detection of Signature Based Forgeries Using Artificial Neural Network," Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication, 9(1), 400-403, 2019.
Ciyamala Kushbu S, Balaji V, Ajith Kumar P, Kiren Aananth A, Gunasekar N, "Forgery Detection in Documents," SSRG International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Seventh Sense Research Group, 5(5), 15-20, 2018.
Ciyamala Kushbu S,Balaji V, Ajith Kumar P, "Forgery Detection in Documents", 2nd International Conference on Recent Trends in ENgineering ,Computers,Information Technology and Apllications, at PSNA COllege of Engg. and Technology on 23.03.2018.
S.Ciyamala Kushbu, A.T. Rishikesh, P. Vignesh, P. Vignesh, "Automatic Energy Meter Monitoring System Using IOT," International Journal of Advance Research in Science and Engineering, 472-477, 2018.
S.Ciyamala Kushbu, A.T. Rishikesh, P. Vignesh," Automatic Energy Meter Monitoring System", International Conference on Advancements in Engineering , Technology and Sciences, at Dhaanish Ahmed College of Engineering, from 16.03.2018 to 17.03.2018.
S.Ciyamala Kushbu, C. Kavitha, U. Pradheeba, "Segmentation of Leukocytes Diagnosis of Disease," International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology, 3(5), 84-87, 2017.
Ciyamala Kushbu S, Hari Govind V., Adarssh Mahesh, Nagendra Babu M., "Detection of Moving Objects," Second National Conference on Recent Innovations in Electronics and Computing Technologies (NCRIECT - 17) at Annai Veilankanni's College of Engineering, 512-514, March 2017.
Ciyamala Kushbu S and Madhan Kumar K, "Docker based IRIS recognition using intelligent model," National Conference on Data Science and Intelligent Information Technology (NCDSIIT'17) at Rajalakshmi Institute of Technology, 125-128, March 2017.
Ciyamala Kushbu S and Arthi Devarani P, "Reverse process of Image and Data steganography using adaptive pixel pair matching algorithm and DWT", National Conference on Nascent Technologies in Biomedical, Electrical, Electronics and Communication, at Vel Tech Multitech Engineering College, 615-618, February 2017.
Ciyamala Kushbu S, Bandala Raja Sekhar, Alahari Saimouli, "Green Radio Approach Towards Energy Efficient Radio Access Networks for Mobile Communication," National Conference on Emerging Trends in Information Science and Technology, RVSPCET, 125-127, March 2016.
Ciyamala Kushbu S, S.Shaik Majeeth, "Segmentation of Immune Cells Based On Toggle Operator And Counting," International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER), 10(55), 2487-2491, 2015. (SCOPUS)
Ciyamala Kushbu S and S.Ethiraj, "ROF Technologies and Integration Architectures for In-Building Optical–Wireless Access Networks," in Instrumentation Engineers Association Conference, MIT, pp. 9-10, 2012.
Certified Instructor of Cisco Certified Network Associate.
University Rank 1 in PG course with 9.2 CGPA
University Rank 34 in UG course with 8.8 CGPA
School Topper in 12th grade with 95%
School Topper in 10th Grade with 95%
Consistently achieved outstanding results, with a track record of delivering over 95% success in all subjects under my supervision.
Has 1 approved Mega application Project on Eduquant-Student Transformation Record for easy mentoring.
NPTEL Course: Awarded Elite credit with 69% score for the course "Joy of computing Python" in the year 2024.
NPTEL Course: Awarded Elite credit and Top 5% of the Certified candidates with 72% score for the course "Computer Architecture and Organization" in the year 2019.
NPTEL Course: Awarded Elite credit and 698% score for the course "Practical Machine Learning using tensorflow" in the year 2019.
Mentor for the team who won second Prize in the world's Biggest Digital Movement "Smart India Hackathon", in 2017.
Engaged in continuous professional development by actively participating in over 15 Faculty Development Programs (FDPs) and 5 workshops, enhancing my knowledge and expertise in the field.
Delivered informative guest lecture on the topic "Ethernet applications" in RMK Engineering college, enhancing cross-campus knowledge sharing and technical understanding in 2015.
Completed online IVERSITY course with 100% score in MATLAB in 2015.
Appointed as one day Government employee by District Collector during election duty in Chennai,Tamil Nadu in the year 2015.
One of the Top Finalists in “ICTACT Student Innovator Awards” for the project titled “Optimized Optical Wireless Transmisssion Networking System”,Chennai,2013.
Won the best article award for the paper titled “RoF Technologies and integration architectures for in building optical wireless access networks” at Madras Institute of Technology (MIT),Chennai, in 2013.
Appreciation certificate for 100% attendance in B.E and M.E courses.
Qualified for the Final Round in Mega Science Extravaganza for Chandrayaan-1 conducted by Velammal's 5th state level talent search Exam on 22.11.2008.
Current Support Role
Student Club activities Coordinator
EMS Coordinator
Project Guide
Conference Organizing Committee member
Class Teacher
Robotics and Drones- Center of Excellence Member
Faculty Placement Coordinator
Project Coordinator
Pedagogy Evaluator
Served as
Co-Coordinator for NBA assessments for Level 3 and Level 5 programs.
ISO files: Slow Learners, Evening Coaching, Result Analysis Coordinator
Department AICTE Co-Coordinator
Subject Lesson Plan Coordinator
Class advisor
Internal Assessment Coordinator
Lab Coordinator
Attendance Coordinator
Break Timetable Coordinator
Software Proficiency
Languages : C, C++, Python, Verilog HDL,SQL
Tools : MATLAB ,MYSQL,MONGODB, Packet Tracer, PSPICE, NS2, ISE Design suite 14.2,PowerBI
Professional Body Membership
Events attended
Organizing member of the IEEE conference conducted in the ISE department of CMRIT.
Attended 5-day Online FDP on the theme “Inculcating Universal Human Values in Technical Education” organized by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) from 25.09.2023 to 29.09.2023.
Attended 5 days Online FDP on "Applications of Image Processing" organized by ST.Joseph's College of Engineering from 14.07.2020 to 18.07.2020.
Partcipated in 5 days FDP on "Embracing the creative side of Teaching and learning methods" organized by RMK COlege of Engneering and Technology from 29.06.2020 to 03.07.2020.
Attended 5 days webinar series on Image Processing organized by Sri Manakula Vinayagar Engineering College from 25.05.2020 to 29.05.2020.
Attended 1 day webinar on Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing organized by RMKCET 0n 12.05.2020.
Attended one day webinar on IOT architecture and Real time Industrial use cases at RMKCET on 21.05.2020.
Attended 5 days Webinar on Leading in a VUCA world organized by ICTACT from 20.04.2020 to 25.04.2020.
Participated in 6 days National Level Short Term Training Programme (STTP) on Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computation for Engg. Research at S.A Engg College from 04.11.2019 to 09.11.2019.
Attended 2 days workshop on Networking at SANSBOUND-The networking School from 22.10.2019 to 23.10.2019.
Participated in 1 day National workshop on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) organized by Institution's Innovation council and Department of mechanical Engg. at RMCET on 04.10.2019.
Participated in the Training Programme on Student Pyschology conducted by National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research (NITTTR) at RMKCET from 17.06.2019 to 19.06.2019.
Attended 5 days National Level workshop on Machine Learning Approaches on Medical Imaging for Clinical Pyschology and Health Care applications organized by SCOPE at Vellore Institute of Technology from 06.05.2019 to 10.05.2019.
Completed 1 day Faculty Development Program on Recent Trends in 5G Technologies conducted by the Director R &D Samsung at RMK Engg. College on 02.11.2018.
Participated in 1 day Faculty Development Programme on College Companion organised by ISTE Staff Chapter on 14.07.2018.
Attended 7 days Faculty Development Training Programme on Signals and Systems at MIT, Anna University from 28.05.2018 to 03.06.2018.
Participated in 7 days Faculty Development Training Programme on Artificial Intelligence, Anna University from 05.12.2017 to 12.12.2017.
Attended 1 day workshop on Intellectual Property Rights Procedures at RMKCET on 17.06.2017.
Undergone 1 day Industrial Visit Programme on Telecommunication in BSNL, Rajiv Gandhi Memorial Telecom Training centre on 13.07.2017.
Attended 5 days Faculty Development Program on Python Programming at RMD Engg.college from 20.06.2017 to 24.06.2017.
Attended 1 day Faculty Development Program on Social,Mobile,Analytics and Cloud (SMAC) at RMK Engg. College on 08.06.2017.
Attended 7 days Faculty Development Program on Transmission Lines and Waveguides at RMKCET from 29.05.2017 to 04.06.2017.
Participated in 2 days Workshop on Advanced FPGA Design at Saveetha Engg. College from 17.02.2017 to 18.02.2017.
Attended 7 days Faculty Development Program on EC6503-Transmission Lines and Waveguides , Anna University from 13.06.2016 to 19.06.2016.
Attended 1 day Faculty Development Program on Leadership Skills conducted by Infosys Ltd at RMK Engg. College on 31.05.2016.
Successfully completed 1 day Faculty Development Program on Internet of Things at RMK Engg.college on 05.05.2016.
Participated in 1 day National Seminar on Cloud Computing and Security issues at RMKCET on 07.03.2016.
Attended 1 day National Workshop on Pioneer to Discover with Internet of Things at RMKCET on 07.03.2016.
Attended 1 day Refresher Course on Academic Excellence at RMCET on 25.01.2016.
Participated in 2 days workshop on Advancements in Biomedical Signal and Image Processing sponsored by UGC-DRS-II (SAP II) at Madras Institute of Technology, from 29.10.2015 to 30.10.2015.
Participated in 1 day workshop on Awareness of Tera Hertz Technology sponsored by IET at RMCET on 19.09.2015.
Participated in 1 day National Level workshop on Brain Computer Interface Development and Simulation sponsored by IET at RMCET on 19.09.2015.
Undergone 1 day Industrial Visit Programme on Telecommunication in BSNL, Rajiv Gandhi Memorial Telecom Training centre on 06.07.2015.
Attended 2 days Refresher Course on Academic Excellence at RMK College of Engg. and Technology from 15.06.2015 to 16.06.2015.
Attended the Anna University approved 7 Days Faculty Development Training Programme on Electronic Circuits 1 at RMKCET from 30.05.2015 to 06.06.2015.
Attended 2 days ISTE E-Seminar on Steps 2 Research organized by ISTE Kerala section CSI cochin Chapter from 19.09.2014 to 20.09.2014.
Attended 2 days National Level workshop on Advances in Image processing using MATLAB at Kongu Engg. College from 27.08.2014 to 28.08.2014.
Participated in 2 days National Workshop on Recent Trends and Research Issues in NS-2 at Saveetha Engg. College from 31.01.2014 to 01.02.2014.
Participated in 2 days National Workshop on Recent Trends and Research Issues in CADENCE at Saveetha Engg. College from 29.01.2014 to 30.01.2014.
Participated in 2 days National Workshop on Recent Trends and Research Issues in Image Processing at Saveetha Engg. College from 27.01.2014 to 28.01.2014.
Attended 2 days workshop on Applications of Signal and Image Processing organized by the Research cell, Sri Venkateshwara College of Engg. from 11.12.2013 to 12.12.2013.
Attended 2 days workshop on NS3- A Research Perspective at Velammal Engg. College from 07.11.2013 to 08.11.2013.
Participated in 3 days Android App Development Workshop conducted as a part of aBaCUS'12 in College of Engineering from 27.01.2012 to 29.01.2012.
Participated in ORBITCE , a National-level Symposium at SSN Engineering College held on 26.08.2011.
Completed 5 days Inplant Training on Transmission Lines in Doordharshan Kendra from 13.06.2011 to 17.06.2011.
Participated and topped in Velammal's 5th State level Science Talent Search Exam on 22.11.2008.
Patents Filed
Eco-friendly Innovation in Milk Packaging for Extended Shelf Life- 202441049905
2 Adaptive VR Platform For Personalized Stress Relief And Meditation Based On Real-Time Biometric Feed- 202441050055
3 An AI-Driven Application for Comprehensive Career Guidance and Personalized Recommendations for Students -202441050060
1.Reviewer for Second IEEE International Conference on Emerging Trends in Information Technology and Engineering (ic-ETITE'24) organized by the School of Computer Science Engineering and Information Systems(SCORE) in collaboration with IEEE and ACM, Vellore Institute of Technology,2024
2.Reviewer for Biomedical Signal Processing & Control Q2 Journal.2024
3. Reviewer for 4th international conference on Communication, Computing and Industry 6.0, C2I6-2023, CMR Institute of Technology.