Proposed Projects


Most of the schools require projectors . As the modern projector's cost is high all the schools can’t afford .

"Teaching Kids to Count is Fine, but Teaching them what Counts is Best"

---Bob Talber---

Portable : This projector can be carried anywhere we want to and it can be handled easy.

Easy to use : It can be operated by using mobile phone .

Connectivity : It can be connected to mobile phone ,Personal Computer etc.


It's very hard to teach students with WiFi or smart board technology I.e high budget

And to teach students in mobile school ,we need more PC or laptop to make the student understand well

So we decided to make smart projector for better understanding of topic in mobile schooling


  • Education Department

  • Teaching Faculty

  • Students


This project shows impact on Virtual learning,reduces the cost of projector and makes the projector portable and also simplify the usage of projector.


The Water which is used in our Home is Useless, So the Water which is used in Home can be used for Gardening at Home.

"Gardens are not made by singing "Oh, how beautiful", and sitting in the Shade"

---Rudyard Kipling---

The project is sewage water treatment in small scale. As we know we have water treatment in large scale but nowadays the gardens maintained in households having soil pollution so to avoid soil pollution first we will recycle the grey water.

The water which should be recycled is sent to receiving tank.We have multiple stages of water treatment

  • Screening: Here the large particles like covers,sticks etc are filtered.

  • Grit chamber: It helps to filter sand particles and organic materials.This chamber is made of large stones.

  • Skimming Tank: This rank helps in removal of oil,grease,soap like materials.

  • Aeration Tank: It contains a fan at top which treats water with air which helps in microbial growth for the growth of plants.

  • Secondary sedimentation: Here water undergoes secondary sedimentation and water is settled out here.

  • After all this process the grey water is filtered and we can use them for watering plants.


  • As we know that there is a decrease in ground water level due to huge water usage of water.

  • There is already an existing solution for sewage water treatment in large scale industries but we don't have any solution for small scale and house hold usage.

  • Major thought if this project is to make the plant growth hygienic and fertile by using recycled water in small scale and house hold


  • Households

  • Society


The project is feasible for using in households and small scale industries which helps in reducing soil pollution and can maintain ground water by decreasing use of ground water. This project is low of cost which helps the household people to use in their houses.