

By Sejal Agrawal

There is nothing to be ashamed of in being anxious. People experience stress and anxiety when they face any issue. Many people have the tendency to be tensed when they face any due date like exams, tasks, interviews. Similar as different sentiments, for example, dread, anger, satisfaction or misery, nervousness is a customary reaction that helps a person to deal and adapt to the current situation. It plays an important role in a person’s life to persevere and adjust. At the point when uneasiness goes crazy and prompts an outlandish concern or concern of ordinary exercises that it turns into an ANXIETY, it is.

Difference between stress and anxiety

Anxiety is the sensation of being stressed and tense. Stress is a psychological or close to home burden on a person. Anxiety and stress are two different things, yet they can be connected with each other. Many individuals experience anxiety as a result of their regular burdens at work, school, or home life. It's necessary to know the distinction among anxiety and stress so that you can find support if you need it!

Stress is a strong power. Under its tension, individuals are inclined to mental and physical pressure including anger, exhaustion, muscle agony and stomach related problems as well as sleeping problems. The experience of stress can be substantially more extraordinary than that accomplished by the people who have anxiety; as per a few clinicians the concerns related with anxiety can't disseminate in any event, when there's no great explanation for them specifically conditions - they continue endlessly or until something shifts their direction.

Anxiety Causes

It’s estimates that around 15% of the population experiences anxiety. It can appear in different ways, and for certain individuals, it may cripple. Anxiety problems can be triggered by various variables which include genetics, environmental stress, poverty, childhood trauma, or drug withdrawal, and misuse among others.

Living with Anxiety

Many individuals living with anxiety don't have the idea how to deal with it. The main thing you ought to do is discuss with your doctor, know about your side effects, and sort out what kind of treatment might be best for you. There are various kinds of medicines accessible so it is necessary to specifically find one that works for you. The following are a couple of famous medicines: therapy, medication, relaxation methods like meditation or yoga, and working out to reduce pressure. The specialist will distinguish what sort of anxiety you are experiencing. Signing up with support groups help people by encouraging them to share their issues in addition to their accomplishments. Opening up assists a person discharge sensation that are shut in within


Living with anxiety can be troublesome. Fortunately, there are numerous methods accessible to assist you to know more about the condition and track down ways of decreasing your side effects. If you have a friend or family member who experiences anxiety, it might likewise be helpful for them if you comprehend what they're going through so you can more readily uphold them during their process back to health.


By Aishwarya Anantharaman

Today, almost everybody craves for likes on their pictures on social media. In order to get more likes they try to make themselves equivalent to the image that is perceived as ideal by society. The first question that pops out is - what is ideal in the true sense?For many decades, some body sizes or types have been categorised as “ideal”. Subsequently, in this race of becoming ideal, people forget who they actually are. Moreover, this idealisation can prove to be detrimental to the health of the people who may not fit this criteria. This is because they fail to understand that there is nothing better than being their true selves. Due to this they experience unhealthy mental and physical behaviour which inturn affects their food pattern as well as their day-to-day activities. Body positivity aims at encouraging people to have a positive outlook towards their body. However, there is a confusion that prevails regarding body positivity. Body positivity includes:

1) Accepting all aspects of one’s body

2) Focusing on the positive side rather than brooding over the so-called flaws

3) Refraining oneself from reading content that encourages body shaming

4) Being confident about one’s body.

Body positivity, thus requires compassion and acceptance towards oneself that would encourage a gradual change in the perception of the society as a whole and also ensure an inclusive society. The most common misconception regarding body positivity is that it encourages people to neglect their physical fitness and continue to be careless regarding the same. However, body positivity encourages people to love their body and at the same time be physically fit in order to be free from physical illnesses.

It is a known fact that most of our appearance is based on our genes and it is not possible to alter the same. Thus, it is not the physical appearance of a person that matters. It is immaterial if a person is tall or short or fat or thin. What actually matters is a person’s character and inner self. Going to the gym and lifting a set of dumbbells due to the fear of being body shamed or to fit the ideal image held by the society is not the ideal way to go about weight loss. Instead, having a firm mind to keep oneself healthy in the long run is what is real body positivity. One does not require the assurance of the society to define who one is. Increase in the number of plus-size models is encouraging people not to feel conscious about their body type or size. This is because fashion icons are the torch-bearers of what the society perceives as ideal or rather fashionable. Another important aspect is that one must focus on maintaining a healthy lifestyle in order to feel beautiful from within. In order to stay body positive-

1) Try to see the positive side in you. Attributes like compassion and helpful attitude towards others weigh much more than the external attributes or features.

2) Be vigilant about your social media activity. Do not let any negative comments overpower your positive attitude and affect your mental peace. Be confident of who you are.

3) Avoid interacting with people who remind you of your insecurities. Instead, speak to anyone you are comfortable with, in venting out your concerns or feelings.

Therefore, we must realise our true self. Tess Munster has rightly said that- “Life is so much more beautiful and complex than a number on a scale.”


By Akshara Rajesh

“Depression is living in a body that fights to survive and a mind that tries to kill.” – Anonymous.

Life throws many challenging situations before a human. Some challenges may drive the full energy of an individual, while some may be so pain-stricken, filled with hollowness, emptiness and grief that it takes the form of depression.

‘Depression’ according to English dictionary refers to feelings of severe despondency and dejection. Clinical depression or major depressive disorder is a mood disorder which affects the mind of an individual. It results in loss of interest in the day-to-day activities and affects a person both physically and mentally. There is no age for this disorder, and any one can be affected by it. The disorder is able to reign over your mind and creates a feeling of inferiority, nothingness, anger, fear etc. It is a serious mental disorder and unfortunately, a very common disease. Approximately 280 million people in the world have depression. (World Health Organisation) However, it doesn’t mean that depression has no cure. Such disorders cannot be treated within a day, it requires a long-treatment by qualified and efficient doctors or counsellors with constant support from family and friends.


There are certain general symptoms of depression. During such a phase, a person may lose interest in all activities. The symptoms must be shown for at least a span of two weeks, or more. Apart from this, an individual may feel persistent sadness, emptiness or anxiousness, he/she may have thoughts of hopelessness, guiltiness or worthlessness, there will be mood fluctuations, irritability, etc. A person may also have headaches, cramps or digestive problems, he may feel unenergetic, restless, sleepless nights, fatigue etc. A person may also have difficulties in concentrating or remembering things etc. In extreme forms of depression, an individual may also have suicidal tendencies or desire to end his sufferings. However, we must comprehend that a person affected by depression may not have all these symptoms. It varies from person to person.


As said earlier, depression can be treated. With the help of an efficient doctor and support from friends and family, depression can be treated. It is a long process and requires patience and guidance from family. The treatment involves a combination of medication and therapies. Medications must be taken as prescribed by the doctors. It may include anti-depressants which helps in relighting your mood, help you in sleep, appetite etc. The medications must be taken only under the guidance of a certified doctor. Secondly, there are therapies formulated by the doctors and counsellors according to the particular individual’s nature of disorder. It may include brain stimulation therapy, psychotherapies, or at the later stage electro conclusive therapies. At these phases, the affected person can also do meditations, yoga, engage in different activities, be more physically active, which may help him get cured faster.


“There is hope even when your brain tells there isn’t” quoted by John Green. Depression is a serious mental disorder, one can come over it by reaching out to our dear ones, by taking guidance and help of a doctor. It is better that it is treated earlier than later. As said, “Give yourself another day, another chance. You will find your courage eventually. Don’t give up on yourself just yet.”


By Tripti Raj

Peer pressure and it's adverse effects on mental health of students. Peer pressure has a deep impact of the minds of students who are either in school or college because everyone wants to fit in and seeks validation. No one wants to be an outcast and ik order to feel included and appreciated they tend to pick up habits or start doing things which otherwise they wouldn't but are doing just to impress their peers. They want their peers to admire them and accept them. In order to mingle well they get tied to that one bad habit which keeps them together. There are ample number of ill effects of negative peer pressure but some of them are as follows:-

1. Negative peer pressure might result into lack of self-confidence and self-esteem because it may compel a person to doubt their self worth just because they don't indulge themselves in certain act which is bad. So, therefore it can result in a person feeling distant and not included or involved leading to poor self image.

2. Peer pressure affects the productivity of a person:- when a person tries too hard to be involved or noticed, they put all of their efforts into thinking ways of how to do that and constantly keep thinking about it which takes their concentration off the actual job which results into poor job and hence effects the productivity of a person.

3. Peer pressure can lead to picking up of bad habits:- This is one of the most common and bizarre effects of peer pressure. When a person is working or studying with a lot of peers it tend to pick their habits bad ones usually because that's how they bond. For example, smoking or drinking people bond over same cigarette or while having drinks, the person who doesn't drink feels left out and distant so in order to be a part of the conversation or the group the ones who usually don't smoke and drink start doing it. In case of students and teenagers drug usage has increased and a fair share of the reason is peer pressure.

4. Peer pressure makes a person distant from his/her family and friends:- A person who used to be full of life is trying to impress someone because of which sometimes it so happens that since family and friends are the closest ones they notice the behavioural changes and try to correct it which the person under peer pressure doesn't like so it leads to him/her keeping distance from them.

5. Peer pressure makes a person emotionally vulnerable:- peer pressure can expose a person to whole new levels of emotional vulnerability because in order to make everyone happy they forget their self, they no longer have individuality which makes them question their entire existence and extreme levels of this lead to vulnerability and other mental health issues like anxiety or depression

Peer pressure will always be there but what can be done to reduce the I'll effects?

First of all everyone should have this confidence in themselves that it's okay to be different and doing or picking bad habits is cool. In society, we need to promoted tolerance and individuality that everyone is unique in their own way and no one needs to imitate bad habits in order to feel heard or seen. Listening to one's instincts can be a good enough step to start off with, always listen to your gut because it's almost right. Deep-down we all know what is right and what is wrong just keep listening to your inner conscience and do not let anyone get to you.


By Shreelata Patro

In many cases, mental health differs from general health. Because these people will not be psychologically stable enough to make decisions for themselves, their family members, or anybody else. Despite the significant burden of mental health concerns, it is still widely misunderstood in developing nations such as India. However, in India, the new Mental Healthcare Act 2017 repeals/revokes the previous Mental Healthcare Act 1987. The mental ailment lasts a long time and has a lifelong influence. Those who suffer rarely receive proper medical counselling and therapy because their family try to conceal their disease out of shame. This approach is harmful to patients and exposes them to exploitation, abuse, neglect, and marginalisation. More than half of the total burden is attributed to mental disease among susceptible age groups such as teenagers and the elderly.

Keeping in view the massive health burden of mental illness in our country, existing inadequate infrastructure/workforce, the social stigma attached, and glaring shortcomings of the Mental Healthcare Act 1987, it becomes imperative for the government and various stakeholders to address these issues.

Now let's discuss what the act says about-

Mental Healthcare Act 2017

On March 27, 2017, the Lok Sabha unanimously passed the Mental Healthcare Act 2017, which was enacted in the Rajya Sabha in August 2016 and received the President of India's sanction in April 2017. "Mental illness" is defined under the new act as "a significant abnormality of thinking, mood, perception, orientation, or memory that significantly impairs judgement or ability to meet the regular demands of life, as well as mental conditions connected with the usage of alcohol and narcotics." The existing Mental Healthcare Statute of 1987 is repealed/revoked by this act. This act repealed Section 309 of the Indian Penal Code, which makes it illegal for a mentally ill individual to attempt suicide. Another feature of this Act is the protection of a person with mental illness's rights, thereby easing access to treatment and by an advance directive on how he or she wishes to be treated for his or her disease.

The various provisions under the Mental Healthcare Bill are given below-

• Rights of persons with mental illness

Everyone will have the right to seek mental health treatment. These services should be of high quality, as well as convenient, inexpensive, and easily available. This statute also aims to safeguard such people from inhumane treatment, provide them with free legal services and access to their medical records, and give them the right to complain if their rights are violated.

• Advancely: This gives a mentally ill individual the ability to make an advance directive on how she or he wishes to be treated for the illness and who will be her or his selected representative. A medical professional must approve this directive.

Mental Health Establishments: The federal government must establish a National Mental Health Authority and a State Mental Health Authority in each state. This authority will require all mental health practitioners (clinical psychologists, mental health nurses, and psychiatric social workers) and mental health institutes to be registered. These bodies will (a) register, supervise, and maintain a record of all mental health establishments; (b) develop quality and service provision norms for such facilities; (c) maintain a register of psychotherapists; (d) train law enforcement officials and mental health professionals on the act's provisions; (e) receive complaints about deficiencies in service provision, and (f) advise the government on mental health matters.

• Admission of persons with mental illness

The act also outlines the procedure and process for admission, treatment, and subsequent discharge of mentally ill persons.

Decriminalizing suicide and prohibiting electroconvulsive therapy

Suicide attempts by mentally ill people are no longer criminalized. It also requires the government to rehabilitate such a person to guarantee that a suicide attempt does not occur again. A person suffering from a mental disorder may not be treated with electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) without the use of muscle relaxants and anaesthetic. Furthermore, minors will not be subjected to ECT therapy.

Responsibility of certain other agencies

If a police officer in charge of a police station has cause to think that a mentally ill individual is being mistreated or neglected, he must report to the Magistrate. The bill also requires a police officer in charge of a police station to protect any wandering person; such a person will be examined by a medical officer and, based on the results of that examination, will be either admitted to a mental health establishment or taken to her residence or an establishment for homeless people.

• Financial punishment

The punishment for violating provisions under this Act will be imprisonment of up to 6 months or Rs. 10,000 one or both. Repeat offenders can face up to 2 years in jail or a fine of Rs. 50,000–5 lakhs or both.


The new Mental Healthcare Act 2017 is intended to revolutionize the fundamental approach to mental health concerns in India, the world's second-most populous country and one of the fastest-growing economies, by emphasizing patient-centric health care rather than criminal-centric health care. The guidelines must be revised in areas such as primary prevention, reintegration, and rehabilitation since without such revisions, implementation would be incomplete, and the problem of former mental health patients will persist.

And the government should come up with more such acts.