The Great Prison Escape

You have been sent to prison for 20 years for Tax Fraud. Since your calculus study group knows that you aren’t guilty, they are helping you escape. There are 6 phases to their plan. They have sent you 6 letters to outline the plan. Since they don’t want the guards to know the plan, your friends made it seem like they were helping you stay sharp on your calculus skills by asking for help on math questions. When, your friend group had been coming up with code that would only come in handy if someone in your friend group was sent to prison. The code that you set up included things like particle motion problems referring to a guard pacing through a hallway, lock codes are a combination of answers to a variety of questions, grid answers would provide switch combinations, and longitude and latitude could be found in some of the answers. You have until December 18th at 2:30 pm to complete your prison break, or the plan fails, and you must complete your 20-year sentence. There will be time limits on some of the phases. Make sure to pay close attention. Below are the letters and a sketch you have created to outline the tasks at hand. Good luck and I hope to see you on the outside.

Letter #1

Letter #2

Letter #3

Letter #4

Letter #5

Letter #6

**Hint: it would be worthwhile to complete all parts of an individual letter before entering the corresponding phase of the plan.**

Will you escape in time?!?!?!?!?!?