CMCSS Libraries Mission and Vision

Our mission is to provide an inviting, dynamic learning environment and services that empowers teaching, prompts curiosity, promotes literacy, and enriches our district’s curriculum.

We aspire for our students to be critical thinkers, lifelong learners, ethical users of information and enthusiastic readers. 

Contact Information

Media Specialist

Name: Angel Dominique


Phone: (931) 648-5662 Ext: 1301

Media Assistant

Name:  Jane Damrow


Phone: (931) 648-5662 Ext. 1301

Library Hours

Monday -Friday

8:30 - 2:30

Lunch 11:25 - 11:55

Library Policies


1. Grade 5 may check-out three books at a time when they attend library class as part of their 6 day "EAGLES" rotation. These may be exchanged throughout the week if they attend "open" library time.  One book must be on the child's reading level and the other books are their choice (it may or may not be in their reading range). It is our philosophy that students should be able to pick books that interest them as well as ones that they use for our reading program and/or clubs. If students are working on a school project, the amount of books allowed out may be adjusted.

2. Grades 1-4 may check-out two books at a time when they attend library class as part of their 6 day "EAGLES" rotation. These may be exchanged throughout the week if they attend "open" library time.  One book must be on the child's reading level and the other book is his or her choice (it may or may not be in the child's reading range). It is our philosophy that students should be able to pick books that interest them as well as ones that they use for our reading program and/or clubs. If students are working on a school project, the amount of books allowed out may be adjusted.

3. Kindergarteners may check-out one book at a time when they attend library class.  These may be exchanged throughout the week if they come to "open" library time.  Because these children are smaller, they must work up to the responsibility of having two books at once.  In January, Kindergarten may move to a two book check-out at the librarian's and/or teacher's discretion.

4. All students may come to open check-out when Mrs. Dominique or Ms. Damrow is available.  Please be aware that some days we may be out or pulled to sub for other classes/teachers or may be tasked to perform other school-wide duties. 

5.  All books are checked out to students until the next library day, though they can be renewed if students need additional time. If we are out of school, they will be due upon the student's next library class day.  

OPEN LIBRARY TIMES: 8:30-11:25 & 11:55-2:30  (MONDAY-FRIDAY) 


If a book has been out excessively long, it will be declared lost.  Students will not be able to check-out another book until the lost book(s) is either returned, replaced, or paid for.  If a book is paid for and then found within the same school year in good condition, the money can be refunded to the parent at parent request.  Any books damaged by water, coloring, food, extremely ripped pages, dog/animal bites, etc., will be the responsibility of the student's parents to pay for or to replace.  You can pay with cash, credit card, or a check. Checks may be cut off at the end of the school year. Please be mindful of cut off dates sent home. 

​***All students have been provided training in the care and maintenance of books and should be responsible for keeping them in good condition while in their home.  While we understand that accidents will happen, we must have the funding to replace books that are lost or damaged.  If we did not do this, we would be unable to maintain our library on the funding provided.