Mrs. Brackin's Website

English Course Resources and Information

Each English I course that I teach has its own Google Classroom; on Google Classroom, you will find a digital classroom slide, which will link you to your assigned coursework. This year, I will be publishing all coursework through the SAVVAS platform. SAVVAS is directly linked with your textbook.

Google Classroom Codes:

Period 1, English I: 6vc2ore

Period 2, Virtual English I: a3lbspx

Period 3, English I: elfh4xh

Period 4, Honors English I: 42euptf

Period 5, Honors English I: o3vs4sg

Period 7, English I: kumlt2f

Remind Codes (text code to 81010):

Period 1: @fbf8fb

Period 2 Virtual English I: @2cfk99

Period 3: @ce4gf29

Period 4: @e3ac4fc

Period 5: @8cg2f8

Period 7: @k8987h

Honors English

In addition to regularly assigned coursework, honors English students will also have outside reading novels each nine weeks. Each novel will have an activity packet and discussion board posts that must be completed as you read. There will also be an exam at the end. You can expect to answer multiple choice, short answer, and essay questions on the exam. I cannot distribute physical books this year, but I will provide a PDF version of each novel. It is strongly recommended that you purchase your own copy of each novel. Please click here or "Honors English I" on the menu to access the honors outside reading schedule and list.