CMCSS provides the Don Johnston Learning Tools suite to all currently enrolled students and their teachers. These tools provide students accommodations for reading, writing and vocabulary. The videos below will walk you through how to download the extensions and provide quick guides on how to access and utilize these tools.

Snap&Read is a Google Chrome extension that provides read aloud, translation, annotation, text simplification, distraction removal and more.

DJ - Snap&Read Extension in Chrome.webm


Co:Writer is a Google Chrome extension that provides writing assistance. Settings can be customized to each user and includes suggestions based on topics and different language options. In addition to word prediction based on letters typed and topics, Co:Writer also provides dictation.

DJ- Get Co:Writer Extension.webm


Word Bank Universal is another Don Johnston tool designed to support student learning by providing access to vocabulary that can be sorted by frequency and part of speech. Word lists can be saved and read aloud from the app interface. Word bank works on any web-page. Watch the video to learn more.

DonJohnston-WordBank Basic.webm
