Required Internet Safety Video

Ensure all students including recent transfers have participated in the CMCSS Internet Safety and Digital Citizenship training for their grade level . Videos are accessible by clicking on the grade level tile. Viewing window is September 3 - 30, 2019.

Tips for Teachers

  1. Regularly review internet safety expectations with students.
  2. As a teacher, always model safe practices while using technology.
  3. Review the CMCSS Student Technology Responsible and Acceptable Use Policy (TCH-A004)
  4. Watch the Internet Safety: Parents, Guardians, Communities video to gain personal and professional knowledge.

Internet Safety: Parents, Guardians, Communities

This video is for parents, guardians, teachers, and other adults concerned about internet safety. This video is NOT intended to be viewed by students grades K-12.
NetSmartz - Parents.mp4
This video is NOT intended to be shown to students. This video is to educate the adults who interact with students.

This is a resource page for teachers. Currently, links are provided for all grade level pages that contain the required CMCSS video. Below each section, posters are linked that may be downloaded, printed, and used in the classroom.


Elementary Classroom Posters

Click the poster image to download a PDF.

How to analyze and critique news online.

8 Posters

Lyrical posters to remind students behavior online.

Post this to answer the question - "Do I need my laptop?".

Spotting fake news online. (5th grade)

Everyone is a digital citizen.

Safety Pledges using SymbolStix

Reminders for teachers

Internet Safety Rules


Middle School Classroom Posters

Click the poster image to download a PDF.

How to determine the legitimacy of claims online.

Spotting the fake news online.

Post this to answer the question - "Do I need my laptop?".

2 Versions

Great reminders for posting online.

Everyone is a digital citizen.

Guide to sharing photos online

Reminders for teachers


High School Classroom Posters

Click the poster image to download a PDF.

How to determine the legitimacy of claims online.

Spotting the fake news online.

Post this to answer the question - "Do I need my laptop?".

2 Versions

Great reminders for posting online.

Everyone is a digital citizen.

Guide to sharing photos online

Reminders for teachers