Long-Term Assignments
Long-Term Work Hours
Elementary Grades K-5
Certified: 8:15 AM - 3:45 PM
Classified: 8:15 AM - 3:45 PM or 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM
Crete-Monee Middle School (CMMS)
Certified: 7:15 AM-2:45 PM
Classified: 7:15 AM - 2:45 PM
Bridges Program
Certified: 7:15 AM-2:45 PM
Classified: 7:15 AM - 2:45 PM
Crete-Monee High School (CMHS)
Certified: 7:15 AM-2:45 PM
Classified: 7:15 AM - 2:45 PM
Early Learning Center Pre-K (ELC)
Certified: 8:00 AM-3:30 PM
Classified: 8:00 AM-3:30 PM
Long-Term Assignments Base Pay Rate
Long-Term Certified Assignments: $262.15/day
Per Diem of BA, Step 1Long-Term Classified Assignments: $150.00/day
Long-Term Secretary Assignments: starting at $14.00/hr.
*Guest Teachers who accept a Guest Teacher Assistant position (day-to-day or long-term) will be compensated at their base pay rate.
Important Information
All Guests in long-term assignments are expected to follow the full-time team members' work schedule.
You must follow the building/department sign-in and sign-out procedures daily.
The leadership team if deemed appropriate can extend flexibility.
Please click here for more information.
How to Apply
for a Substitute License in ELIS
for a Substitute License in ELIS
How to Register
Your License with Will County Region 56 in ELIS
Your License with Will County Region 56 in ELIS