Library Plan

Future Ready Librarian Wheel

Welcome to the Clear Lake School District Library Plan

This is a snapshot of what the library is currently doing to support the Future Ready Librarian Framework and goals for the future. 

Our goals will be on a five year cycle.  

This rotation we have two gears of focus: 

Personalized Professional Learning 

Budget & Resources

If you have any questions about anything you see here, please contact Marci Meyer at

Personalized Professional Learning gear

Personalized Professional Learning

What we are doing: 

Our library provides professional learning experiences for our district staff through: 

Our librarian continues learning professionally by:

GOAL: Our goal in Personalized Professional Learning is to update our professional libraries at both the elementary and the junior/senior high school. We encourage professional learning for our staff and want to provide up to date resources through current print resources that are easily available for them. We also want to provide more learning opportunities for our staff so they can use our digital resources to access professional articles and materials to continue their education. We hope to broaden our technical trainings to include access to these resources for staff professional use which will in return help students in their educational research. 

We will accomplish these goals by: 

Robust Infrastructure gear

Robust Infrastructure

What we are doing: 

Our school is very lucky to have robust infrastructure through a  referendum in 2014

Budget & Resources gear

Budget & Resources

What we are doing: 

The library looks at many factors when curating resources for the library to ensure a diverse collection of both physical and digital resources. Teacher and student requests as well as curriculum needs drive our focus on much of our content. Quality resources are purchased with a view of the long range plan. Our library receives money through Common School FundsLast year our budget was around $60,000.  

Here is the breakdown for money spent:

GOAL: We are very lucky to have a very healthy budget due to the Board of Public Lands through Common School Funds. Our goal is to use our budget to continue to update outdated resources as well as find digital alternatives for students and staff. Our video library has items that staff use but the technology does not always work well for staff so it has been a priority to find video streaming services for both educational and entertainment uses.  

We are working on updating our non-fiction sections in both libraries as well as replacing worn out copies of loved books. This is a task that we work on everyday when time allows. We are looking at the average age of each section within non-fiction and working on updating those. Our overall collection age for the high school's 6,000+ books is 2007 but some areas are much older. We hope to have all areas in the upper 2000s by the end of our goal cycle. When looking at reports, we can also see which genres are most popular with our students so we can stay current on new releases. 

Our elementary school has 16,000+ physical books with an average age of 2008. Our nonfiction collection is more current than the high school collection. We will continue to work on weeding older items and labeling books in the nonfiction section so they are easily found by elementary students.

Community Partnerships gear
Picture of historical items on display

Community Partnerships

What we are doing: 

Data & Privacy gear

Data & Privacy

What we are doing: 

Digital Citizenship Overview Below

Collaborative Leadership gear

Collaborative Leadership

What we are doing: 

Use of Space & Time gear
Students showing their creations from makerspace area
Library picture book area

Use of Space & Time

What we are doing: 

SPACE: Both our elementary and junior/senior high school libraries have great atmosphere with plenty of windows and natural light.   They are inviting and students are able to checkout when needed. Books are displayed on shelves at both libraries and placed in cubbies and baskets for easy access to books of interest at our elementary school. Our high school space is a large space that has ample room for materials and class work time.  Our libraries have tables to contribute to group discussion and sharing of materials as well as large interactive touch screens. Our libraries are supplied with manipulatives, puzzles and STEM activities for student exploration.  Both libraries are used by the school district for staff meetings and training as well as for community meetings and club activities. 

TIME: The full time librarian splits her time between the Elementary and Jr/Sr High School.  The librarian teaches weekly lessons at the elementary for students PK-6th grade and assists students at the Jr/Sr High with research and book recommendations.  We are fortunate to have part time library aides in both buildings. The library aides split their time with food service and the technology department. While in the library they are vital to cataloging, shelving and checking out materials to the students as well as researching materials and supervising students in the library.  The aides are always looking for ways to make the library more efficient and up to date. Genrefication of fiction books at the high school level has helped students find books that they are interested in. Reshelving and weeding books allows students to find books that are current and appealing to them. We use all available time to improve the library and how we serve our students and staff. 

Previous Goal : We are excited to share that the previous goal in this area was met with updating both libraries to meet the needs of students and staff. Our high school library was able to add personalize seating with the purchase of new traditional tables and chairs, installation of a high countertop area where students can sit on stools as well as new arm chairs. We were able to purchase two new arm chairs with a grant through Operation Round Up from Polk-Burnett.  

The elementary library expanded our picture book section into an old computer lab that is attached to the library. Creative thinking helped us move an old computer lab counter top from the elementary to the high school library and the book shelves from the high school to the new space in the elementary school. We are very pleased with the results in both areas.  Both students and staff have commented postively about the updated areas. Interactive screens were installed in both libraries for teaching lessons as well as staff development events.  

Our elementary library also converted a room into a makerspace for all elementary students and staff. With our common school funds we are able to supply the makerspace with up to date technology items as well as other STEM items. We enjoy seeing the projects that students create in this new space.

Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment gear
Students using coding mice in the library

Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment

What we are doing: 

The library has a curriculum that teaches students library skills, digital citizenship, computer literacy, keyboarding, coding and STEM.  Students learn through hands on activities as well as tutorials from the librarian.  Lessons are focused on teaching students how to use technology for ethical research  and creation. Google classroom is vital to our school district and is utilized in library lessons to share resources, receive content and teach students how to navigate the tool to increase productivity in the classroom. Students are also encouraged to find topics that interest them and work with the librarian for assistance. 

The library assists teaching staff in finding the best resources available for teaching their curriculum and extending lessons. We are in constant communication of curriculum changes and work alongside teaching staff to secure the most current resources to benefit student learning. 

Our library website is full of online resources that are available to students and staff 24/7. We feel that access for all is a top priority and we continue to curate a relevant collection of online materials to fit our needs. Students and staff are able to use online resources using their school or personal devices. Our assortment of online ebooks, audiobooks, videos and educational databases are available for students from PK- 12th grade and their families. Our teaching staff is involved in the discovery and selection of our resources and has input on what we should invest in. 

Resources are available on our library website here

  The final area that we would like to make sure we talk about is the learner centered part of the Future Ready Librarian Framework. The learner is the reason all of the other gears exist and the reason we put so much time and effort into everything that we do everyday. Without the learner, we would have no reason to teach.

We feel that this is the most important factor when planning our curriculum and resources. We know that literacy whether it is reading a book or information on the internet, is an important life skill that we hope our students know well. We choose reading materials that are of interest to our students. We choose databases that are student friendly and are easy to understand and operate. We purchase the most recent technology for our Makerspace so students can learn current content. We know that the future is ever changing so aiding our students with the best skills to adapt is important. 

We hope that through this library plan you can see how our library is working to engage students in and out of school. 

School Board approved on March 4, 2024

Since 2016, Future Ready Librarians® has been focused on supporting equitable and accessible student learning through powerful librarianship. As educators, Future Ready Librarians® lead, teach, and support learners both young and old. Embracing change and innovation, Future Ready Librarians teach and promote diverse literacies, integrating engaging digital tools, and collaborating with leaders and colleagues to implement equitable and inclusive learning environments in their libraries and beyond. The Future Ready Librarians® Framework guides and inspires the professional practice of librarians, directly linking the library program to the strategic needs and priorities of schools and districts. Future Ready Librarians challenges librarians, educators, and the community to see school libraries informed by the past, grounded in the needs of the present, and planning for a dynamic future. 

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