Cherry Class 2021-22

Welcome to Cherry Class!

Our Topic for Term 6 is Journeys. Here are some examples of what we will be learning about in class.

If you have any photos from interesting trips or holidays and would like to share them with us, please put them on Tapestry.

Journeys Topic Web 2022.pdf

Our Topic for Term 5 is Pets and Vets. Here are some examples of what we will be learning about in class.

We are very excited about watching our tadpoles grow and we will be hatching butterflies too!

Term 5 Topic Web Pets and Vets.pdf

School rucksacks

Sadly our green rucksacks weren't as durable as we had hoped. If your child's rucksack needs to be replaced, please order a Clutton School Green book bag from our school supplier:

Cherry Class updates (same for Term 4)

Here are a few recent messages:

Adults in Class - Miss Fry is our TA in Cherry Class on Monday and Tuesday, and Miss Miller is our TA on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. On Thursday morning, Mrs Sebright covers Cherry Class while I have some planning time.

Wellies - Please ensure your child has wellies in school.

Uniform - Please make sure everything is named (especially cardigans, coats and water bottles)

Water bottles - Please make sure your child brings in a SMALL water bottle filled with water (not squash please).

Head bumps - Please don't be alarmed if you get a phone call saying your child has had a head bump. It is our school policy to ring you if your child has had any injury to their head, however small.

Reading/phonics - Please write in your Reading Record when you listen to your child read or practise their phonics sounds - thank you!

Tapestry - Please share things you are doing at home with your child!

Star Moments - Thank you for sharing your star moments. These are shared with everyone in class and then displayed on the blue doors in our cloakroom. Star Moments might be your child cleaning their teeth independently for the first time, riding their bike without stabilisers, helping you with the washing up, being kind to a sibling, eating their broccoli ...

PE - our PE day is Friday. Please send your child to school dressed in their PE kit. If possible please send your child in daps, not trainers as it is difficult managing laces!

Any questions, please catch me at the end of the day.

Jane Parkes Cordock