CLS Wind

Innovations in Renewable Energy Production

CLS Wind turbine innovations result in faster, safer, cheaper and more efficient onshore and offshore installation, maintenance, repair and decommissioning operations.

Our team has developed systems that provide flexible solutions to the onsite assembly and erection of wind turbines, installing them without the need for large, heavy and expensive cranes, as well as being able to install several turbines concurrently (parallel versus series installations). For onshore operations, this also means a smaller footprint for the construction site, with a substantially lower environmental impact.

By applying our patented systems for the design of a comprehensive self-erection wind turbine tower, along with a unique self-positioning nacelle system, wind farm owners can start producing energy in a fraction of the time that it used to take in the recent past. In addition, maintenance, repair and decommissioning operations will become easier, faster and safer, getting the turbines back "online" or replaced faster than ever before.