4th Grade Recorders

4th Grade Recorders

All 4th Grade Students will learn how to play the recorder during their weekly music class. This is a fun experience that help students learn the some of basic elements of music, including pitch, rhythm and melody. 

Recorder Karate

Students will learn songs from a popular method book entitled Recorder Karate. Colorful ribbons or "belts" are earned when a student can confidently perform a song from the set. This year's set will include:

The first three songs will be tested together as a group during class. The following 3 songs may be tested during class or outside of class, time permitting. The first 6 belts must be achieved before attempting Ode to Joy (black belt). Students who reach black belt, will receive a special certificate and Block N credit!

More Recorder Information

Fall recorder letter Nelson.pdf

Links to play-along recordings

Click the link below to visit my virtual classroom and play along with all the songs!

Mrs. Anaforian's Virtual Classroom