Mrs. Salomonson's Music

Music is a very powerful thing, and there is a hidden beauty that lies within music. Music naturally makes things much better due its therapeutic nature. Check out these fun activities and games!

Websites with Games and Activities to Explore

Classics for Kids

New York Philharmonic Kids

PBS Music Games

Music K-8 Fun Stuff

Yamaha Music Games

Music K-8 Games Games and Concept Videos (Ex: music symbols matching game)

Go Classical for Kids

Julie's Green Room (Julie Andrews) Videos

Fun and Games with Music - San Francisco Kids

Brain Pop - Arts and Music

Music Lab

Arts Alive - resources, games, activities, composers

Line Rider Music Videos: William Tell Overture Beethoven's 5th Harry Potter Avengers Marriage of Figaro Mountain King Turkish March Für Elise


Folk Song Sing-a-Long

Disney Sing-a-longs

The Singing Classroom Sing along with the videos of known songs, and even to learn new songs! (Sign up for a one month free trial; email the company and they will send you an email address and password for parents and students log in to watch videos)

This Singing Space (a Facebook group) Parents can join to view members posting videos of them singing songs for kids. Search for a certain video, your child's favorite song, or just have them watch whatever they want!


Rhythm Trainer - Practice rhythms by listening and writing

Rhythm Reading Videos

Rhythm Randomizer - rhythm reading game

Melodic Reading videos

Sing it Back Video using Sol Mi

Boom Cards - interactive activity cards; free

Upper Grade:

Sight Reading Factory - a fun way to practice your skills

Tone Savvy Activities and Music Practices

Whack a Note

Rhythm Quiz Game

Treble Clef Story

Staff Wars (free on PCs) Practice pitch names

Treble Clef pitches game

Music Tech Teacher - games and activities


Make Your Own Instrument

52 Instruments to Make From Home

Rubber Band Harmonica - It's not a beautiful sound, but it works!

DIY Music Instruments - Several ideas for crafting instruments at home.

Drum Machine

Compose Your Own Music (Classics for Kids) Drag notes to compose your own song!

Incredibox (free on PCs, paid app for tablets and phone) Create loops using many different sounds!

Isle of Tune Free on PC. Build a town with a musical twist. Elements like light posts, houses and trees are the sounds and cars drive down the road and "play" the composition.

Create your own music video or perform your favorite song! I would love to see it so please email it to me!


Interviews: Have students interview family members about their musical backgrounds and interests. What is their favorite song right now and why? What instruments do they play? What does music mean to them? Who are their favorite artists? Students can record the responses they get and also answer the questions themselves.

Instrument invention: Have students invent a new instrument. They could draw a picture of it and describe how it is played, how it’s constructed, and what it sounds like, or they could make one out of recycled materials.

Hand-washing dance choreography: Have students choreograph a short dance routine incorporating the different ways we’re recommended to wash our hands (scrubbing nails, between fingers, etc). Check out this one for inspiration.

Listening log: Have students write down music that they hear each day. Depending on the age, they can also record information about the songs, like the title/artist, genre, mood, time signature, tempo, instrumentation, etc., or they could draw a picture in response to the music.

Singing log: Have students write down songs that they sing each day. They can sing along with a recording, sing by themselves, or sing with their family.

Soundtrack of my life: Have students create an imaginary album that shows who they are. They can make a list of song titles, and for each song describe the music—this could be done either by asking students to come up with their own imaginary songs or by having students find existing songs that would describe aspects of their personality/life. Students could also design an album cover to go with it, write liner notes, etc.


Bill Nye, the Science Guy Music Video

Silly Symphonies - MusicLand

Videos for Kids

Watch a musical on Netflix or Hulu