Weekly assignments are all on your Accelerate Learning SIS page (student information system) https://sislogin.edgenuity.com/

**Accelerate Education/Edgenuity offers a helpful calendar and To Do List to help your child with curriculum pacing

Suggested Daily Time Schedule:

  • Approximately 4 hours per day of school work

  • Wake, eat a healthy breakfast, brush teeth, make bed, get dressed, and brush hair

  • Log-on at least once per day with Mrs. Peterson at a prearranged time for Zoom (see zoom sessions and links on my home page in CLEVER)

  • 75 minutes of Reading/English Language Arts

  • 10 minute break

  • 45-60 minutes of Math

  • Eat a healthy lunch, go outside and get some fresh air, get moving

  • 60 minutes of Science or Social Studies (subjects may be alternated)

  • Read for 20 minutes each night right before you go to sleep

  • Student generated synchronous sessions on zoom with Mrs. Peterson as needed (see Google Doc sign up sheet for individual sessions)

  • Every other Wednesday 1:1 scheduled session w/Mrs. Peterson to review grades and goals