Mrs. Garcia's English Website

Clovis West High School


Welcome to our English class! This website has been created to help both students and parents stay up to date and informed on what is happening in our course.

Please utilize this site as a resource and a place for you to stay knowledgeable about what we're learning, seek resources or find what you missed.

Here's a quick welcome back video I made.

About Our Class

This course builds on prior knowledge of grammar, vocabulary, writing and reading. The course will rely heavily on reading, writing, speaking and listening throughout our exploration of literature and comparisons to the world around us. Specific content will rely on state standards for High School ELA. Our mission will be to leave this class being able to effectively communicate through various forms and for varying purposes. If we stay on track, will also be courageous problem-solvers and positive change agents by the end of this class. I'm looking forward to learning together.

About Me

Hello! My name is Erin Christie Garcia. On the left is a picture of my family. RJ is 9, Tessa is 8, my husband and I have been married for 16 years!

We also have two awesome poodles named Teddy (12) and Lola (9), but they are difficult to photograph because they never look at the camera!

I have taught English and AVID for 15 years.

I love interesting thoughts, inspiring writing, and clever humor. Memes generally bring me great joy. Unless they are mean memes. Those aren't cool with me.

I have ADHD and have spent years learning how to manage time while keeping my creativity primed. My son is autistic and my daughter is neurotypical. I share this because I know that diverse thoughts, experiences, outlooks, and passions are not to be feared but to be valued. We all have gifts to offer the world. Your education should bring out your talents and empower you to use them.

This class has clear expectations and standards, but trust that I honor the fact that there are many different ways to understand a concept. I love the process of reading, writing, and pursuing my dreams. I hope you do, too. This is what we are learning about this year.

What type of teacher am I?: I strive to be efficient yet engaged, attentive to detail and open to possibilities.

I cannot wait to start this year!

What am I reading / watching?

Personal Socrates by Marc Champagne

Put Your A** Where Your Heart Wants to Be by Steven Pressfield

The Wolf of Wallstreet by Jordan Belfort

Wanting a Recommendation?

Some of My Favorite Novels (in no particular order):

  • Rain of Gold- Victor Villasenor

  • A Gentleman in Moscow- Amor Towles

  • Tess of the d'Urbervilles- Thomas Hardy

  • Brave New World- Aldous Huxley

  • Beloved- Toni Morrison

  • To Kill a Mockingbird- Harper Lee

  • 1984 George Orwell

  • Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury

  • Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen

Some Favorite Podcasts/Other Types of Writing

  • Tim Ferriss Podcast- Tim Ferriss

  • Whole 30 Cookbook - Melissa Urban and Dallas Hartwig

  • In a Different Key- John Donovan and Caren Zucker

  • Romeo and Juliet- William Shakespeare

  • The Canterbury Tales- Geoffrey Chaucer