Sample Documents

Clover’s consultants are experts in psychology training and accreditation and we know that having forms, documents, and a curriculum that meet APA standards is imperative. We have compiled these resources to help training programs ensure that they are meeting these standards and providing high quality training.

Evaluation Samples

Assessing interns’ competency is a critical part of psychology internship training. Make sure you’re assessing your interns in all required areas of competence by accessing our FREE Evaluation of Intern Competency sample

Formally evaluating your program and supervisors are key quality improvement activities. Be sure to check out our sample program and supervisor evaluations available for a fee.

Didactic Planning Samples

Knowing the level of detail needed to demonstrate your program's didactic activities when applying for APPIC membership or APA accreditation can be tricky. We hope these free samples help you in your planning and preparation.