6th - 8th

Directions for eLearning for Sixth through Eighth Grade

1. Complete all assignments assigned by the teacher within three school days after the last eLearning Day. These assignments will be found in the student's Canvas courses for each of his or her teacher(s). There will be an assignment for each of the four core content areas (English language arts, math, science and social studies) and for the electives in the student's current schedule . Students who do not regularly take devices home will be given a paper version of the assignments. Note: Some assignments might come home after the bad weather day occurs.

2. If you have questions about the assignments, contact your child’s teacher via email during his/her office hours, which are posted on the teacher’s Canvas page. If you have questions about technology, contact the Technology Hotline between 9:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. at 803-810-8069.