Health Education

Mr. Steele 


Class overview

Health Education instruction will provide students knowledge that can last a lifetime. The topics covered in this class will include:

Homework- Homework will be assigned regularly. Homework can range from small assignments (25-50points) to projects (50-150points).

Quizzes- Quizzes will typically be given once a week and students will know in advance what is being covered on the quiz. Every unit will have a minimum of one (1) quiz. Quizzes will range from 30-60 points

Tests- Tests will typically cover previously quizzed material. Not every unit will have a test. Students will know in advance what is being covered and have time to ask questions and study. Tests will range from 100-200 points.

 Class Requirements: Pen/Pencil, notebook, chromebook (if applicable), and good attitude


I will be posting a link to google docs as soon as possible 

 My Schedule

Health- 1st, 2nd, 4th, periods

Weight Training- 6th/7th Period

Conference/Planning Period- 3rd 

Student Lunch- N/A