
Recorder Karate Songs   (click here)


Tips to making a nice sound

Recorder Karate method

Recorder Karate is a method we use to teach recorder songs to students who learn to play certain songs which increase in skills for their grade level. There are nine songs and students can earn belts of different colors when they accomplish playing the assigned song. Just like the sport of karate we start at white belt song and gradually work our way to our black belt song.

Sit up tall- good posture is important when playing any instrument

Blow softly with a steady stream of air

Recorder embouchure - cover your bottom teeth with your bottom lip. Rest the recorder on your bottom lip. Gently place your top teeth on the top of the recorder and close your upper lip to create a seal. 

Left hand on top and make sure to cover the holes completely when needed.

Keep your arms close to your sides and the recorder angled at the floor.

Clean your recorder after every use and place mouthpiece first in the storage bag.

To clean your recorder you can use the cleaning rod with a clean cloth (paper towel). Simply take the recorder apart and gently wipe the insides. You may also wish to wash it in warm soapy water and gently use a bottle brush and rinse with running water. If you have one at home you may also wish to take it apart and run it through your dishwasher.