As scholarships and bursaries become available they will be posted on the Bursary Board link. For a list of scholarships that have been available in the past, please see the Scholarships and Bursaries List link. Also, you should check what is available at post-secondary institutions as they will have their own scholarships, bursaries, and financial help.
Student Loan information sessions or videos typically occur in May with the application opening in June/July (
The following are some helpful hints:
Keep an updated resume
Ask people to be references for you. Often you will need at least one academic reference (ex. teacher) and at least one personal reference that can't be family (ex. supervisor for work or volunteer). When asking people to provide a reference for you it is best that you give a minimum of two weeks and provide the person with your resume (or a list of volunteer activities, extracurricular involvement, work experience, skills, and relevant information) as well as the details of the scholarship or bursary for which you are using the reference, NOTE: Once a person writes a reference for you it is easy for them to change it to fit various scholarships.
You will often be asked to write about yourself for applications. Keep copies of what you write as you can change these to meet the requirements of each application. It is very important that you ensure what you submit matches what an application is asking of you.
Apply for any scholarships of which you think you qualify. You never know who will apply so do not assume you will not win.
Financial need can be objective unless there are particular qualifiers given.