Homeroom Information

Welcome Back!

September 8th/2021:

1) Student fees are $25/student or $45/family - E-transfers are preferred to eastwiltshire@edu.pe.ca

2) Please Fill out and return all forms ASAP. (Please Keep all forms stapled and in the order they were sent home)

3) Meet the Teacher Night: TBD


Please do not separate the student forms. Please return all forms to the office stapled together as they are. Due date to the office is Thursday, Sept. 16th. Please have students record their locker # and combination on the bottom of their student information form. (VERY IMPORTANT)

Student Fees will be $25 per student with a maximum charge of $45 per family. Student Fees should be paid on-line (e-transfer) @ eastwiltshire@edu.pe.ca. Cash will be accepted at the office. Please have cash in labelled baggy (Name & Home Room on the bag). Correct change would be appreciated! Receipts will be issued from the office.