Families As Career & Transition Support

Starting high school with a plan

Your child will need assistance and advice in planning their potential high school pathways. Find out the requirements, choices, and processes involved in planning your child's senior high school pathway by talking with your child’s teacher or school counsellor, and by attending a FACTS workshop.

Some Grade 10 courses are prerequisites for more advanced high school courses. As well, certain programs enable students to meet entry requirements for post-secondary programs or acquire the knowledge and skills to enter directly into a career. Keep future goals in mind when planning grade 10 programs.

Help your child plan for the future THEY want by exploring these questions:

Who Am I?

Helping your child know themselves is an important step in planning their future and deciding their next steps. Understanding their skills, values, likes, dislikes, interests, and learning styles will help them along their journey.

Questions for your child to consider

    • What am I good at?

    • What do I care about?

    • What do I like to do?

    • What inspires me?

What Are My Opportunities?

Encouraging your child to use their time in school and in the community to explore options, make connections, and participate in community-based learning courses can help them to explore areas of interest.

Questions for your child to consider

    • What high school courses, programs, and extracurricular activities allow me to explore my interests in school and in the community?

    • How can my choices in high school create new opportunities for me?

    • What kinds of jobs or occupations interest me?

    • What post secondary programs interest me?

What Are My Next Steps and Why?

Choosing courses and experiences that align with your child’s interests will help them to set goals to create the future they want. Encourage your child to ensure their choices and actions are guided by what’s really important to them.

Questions for your child to consider

    • What is available in my pathway after high school?

    • Have I selected the courses required for high school graduation and that meet the entrance requirements for post secondary programs that interest me?

    • What courses and learning experiences will help me reach my goals?

    • What are my priorities about my learning, wellness, occupation, and financial expectations?

What Is My Action Plan?

Identifying resources, building skills, and creating networks will help your child to achieve their goals as they take their next step in their journey though and beyond high school. Encourage your child to get in motion, access their allies, and always have a backup plan!

Questions for your child to consider

    • What can I do now to plan for my future?

    • What resources will I use to achieve my goals?

    • What are some challenges I might face and how will I deal with them?

    • How will I save money for my next steps after high school?


myBlueprint is a resource that supports My Plan. It includes, among other things, vast libraries of career and post secondary education/training information, high school course selection tools, and many surveys/tools to help you learn more about yourself and navigate toward the future you want.

As students work through My Plan, they will use myBlueprint's Portfolio feature extensively. Parents / guardians can link to student accounts in just a few clicks.

How to Link Accounts (1).pdf

For more information, check out the following links:

My Plan: A Guide for Grade 9 Students – Supports Grade 9 students to plan for the future.

myBlueprint – The electronic platform for all Grades 9 and 10 students and their parents to support MyPlan.

Student loans and bursaries - The Department of Workforce and Advanced Learning provides information on student financial assistance.

Apprenticeship, training and certification - Learn about trades, apprenticeship and more.

Contact a Schoo, the PSB or the CSLF - Visit your school's website for school supply lists and more.