
Students will be using our classroom website this year and the GoogleEducation Apps! We will work together on helping students become comfortable using Google Classroom with support.  


Please check the weekly update regularly on the class website which will be updated at the end of every week (Sunday afternoon at the latest)! A link will be emailed as well.  Everything you will need to know for the following week will be posted there. 


Students should reference our website (NO NEED TO LOGIN TO ANYTHING) on a regular basis at home.  They should also login into Google Classroom at home but will be required to sign in. 


An assessment folder will be coming home with graded work to be signed on a regular basis. 



        In preparing students to become 21st century learners, technology will play a large role in our classroom. Students will be active rather than passive consumers and producers of technology in grade 6.  

Students will use all of the technology available to us throughout the year to expand their knowledge of technology and how it can be used constructively in our daily lives.  Likewise, students will be using technology to "breakdown" our physical classroom walls and connect and talk with classes from around Canada and the world! 

Students will use googledrive, google classroom, learn basic coding skills, and MUCH MORE throughout this year!    

Homework = 

Reading + Review    

  Homework will be used as a time for students to finish incomplete work from class, prepare for upcoming classroom learning, complete interactive activities with family members, play games, review concepts, and read.  If your child is spending more than 20 minutes on a task a night, please let me know and we will figure out why it is taking so long to complete.  

Your homework: Read, Read, Read!

     Research has shown independent reading to be one of the most important indicators of success.  I strongly believe in encouraging students to read a variety of texts (books, articles, magazines, comics) in both French and English.  This reading should be done for pleasure on genres/topics of interest.


It is expected that students read nightly for 25 minutes with at least three days a week in French. Students will have projects throughout the year to work on at home that focuses on reading including book talks (Eng. & Fr.) and article talks.  Students will also be sharing their reading in class and during guided reading groups! 

     It is important to get quality books at your child’s reading level.  We will be discussing how to choose a book that’s “just right”.  We have a wonderful classroom and school library and Scholastic book orders in French and English will be coming home monthly.  CHECK THE LANGUAGE Page for recommendations and tools! 

KNOWLEDGEHOOK: students should be connecting regularly to missions assigned in Knowlegehook to review taught concepts and strategies in Mathematics. Students can access login information in our GoogleClassroom and website HERE. 


   The province has invested money in 

providing all K-9 students free school 

supplies!  Students will be provided any 

required learning materials that have 

already been purchased for our 

classroom.  The following is a list of 

additional personal items your child 

should bring:




-clean/dry indoor shoes


-healthy snacks/lunches to fuel their learning

-a refillable water bottle: water fountains are closed and only the refillable water bottle function can be used at this time.

-appropriate clothing for weather

-headphones: small personal headphones that will used for centres

*Please leave all other materials/games/toys at home as to limit distractions and lost/broken items. 

Digital Agendas     

     As we are learning to become organized and independent learners in a 21st century world, students are asked to actively use their personal googlecalendar (technology permitting) and task manager to write assignments, tests, reminders. This will be a part of our classroom routines. These will be able to be shared with myself, and with you as well.  Agenda information will also be input into our class googlecalendar on this website & on their googlesites. 

Our class will NOT be using paper agendas this year.  However, students are welcome to use the ones that will be provided by the school!

 If you have questions regarding this, please contact me and I would be happy to help!