Supply List

  • 1 or 1 1/2 inch binder (dedicated to math only!)

  • Hilroy scribblers (3 or 4 packages)

  • Looseleaf paper

  • Grid paper

  • Whiteboard Markers

  • Pencils

  • Erasers

  • Pen

  • Highlighter

  • Pencil Case

  • Geometry Set

  • Calculator

Students within my math classes are also asked to have a three ring binder with looseleaf and dividers. If you did not pick up these items while doing back to school shopping, don’t fret! Use your imagination with the dividers. Take a piece of looseleaf and colored paper or sticky note. Cut the colored paper/sticky note and tape it to a piece of paper. Students can use these homemade dividers for their binders without having to go out and buy any. Staying organized is key and will help with timelines and assignment due dates. I will be asking students to have 5 dividers for their binders in which we will section it off accordingly during class time. We will do this together as a class!

The five sections are:

  1. Warm-Up / Journal

  2. Homework

  3. Textbook

  4. Handouts

  5. Assignments and Tests

Ms. Mariska terMeer/
Please feel free to contact me at the above email.