Ms. Mullins
Grade 4 2021/2022
Oct. 12-15
I hope everyone has a lovely Thanksgiving weekend!
Book orders will be due on Wednesday if you are planning on ordering any books. They can also be ordered online!
We had our math quiz on Wednesday. I will be sending those home on Tuesday, so please sign and return. The boys and girls did a great job! I remind them to always double check your work to be sure you don't miss anything. :o) Next up will be outcome N3 - adding and subtracting numbers to 10 000.
We will continue to work on our Personal Recounts this week in writing.
The students should be continuing to read 20 min. each evening, review their spelling words, and practice math facts. I am getting them to continue practicing their multiplication facts. I would like them to work on 0,1, 2,5, and 9's.
Our school photos are happening on (I am pretty sure) October 25. I will let the students know once I am positive.
Words for the week focus on the short u and o sounds. The list is: trust, suddenly, under, crunch, trunk, must, clock, shock, drop, octopus, costume, follow
Have a great week everyone.
Week of Sept. 27-29
Another great week in grade 4. This upcoming week is a short week because there is no school this Thursday, Sept. 30 and Oct. 1 for students.
Wednesday will be orange shirt day.
There will be no spelling quiz this week due to the short week. We will be focusing on the proper abbreviations for months of the year and days of the week instead.
In math, we will continue to work on representing numbers to 10 000 and comparing/ordering numbers to 10 000. I am thinking our quiz will be the week before Thanksgiving. Great job on completing the math homework! Every student had it completed on time.
We will be working on our personal recounts this week and next in writing. We have been working on how writers use "Show, don't tell" to elaborate on their ideas within their writing.
Students should be reading for their 20 min. each evening.
Have a great week everyone!
Sept. 20-24
What a great week! I am looking forward to another full week with your children.
Book orders are due Monday, Sept. 20 if you are planning on ordering any books.
We are working on representing numbers to 10 000 in math. This includes writing numbers in expanded form, written form, base ten pictures, and standard form. I will be sending a homework sheet home for practice probably on Wed. The other evenings I would like the boys and girls to continue to practice their math facts.
I would like the students to continue to read 20 min. each evening . They seem to be really enjoying the books that they are reading in class. But, if they every mention at home that they don't have anything to read, please let me know. We are working in our Writer's Notebooks practicing strategies to come up with ideas for writing.
The words for the week are words that I have noticed get spelled incorrectly from time to time. The are: does, they, about, because, before, were, could, would, who, what, where, when, why. The students should review these words in the evenings. We will work with them throughout the week and have a quiz on Friday.
Thank you so much for sending me such well mannered, hard working children!
Have a great week everyone!
Welcome to Grade 4 and a brand new school year! I am so excited to be the homeroom teacher for Grade 4 at Amherst Cove. Please take a few minutes to explore our class blog. This interactive site will be important as we get ready for the upcoming school year. I plan on updating it on a weekly basis. See you Sept. 7th!
Click here to see some helpful sites and resources for our classroom.