
K-1 Class (1Z)

Welcome to 1Z!

I am very excited to be teaching your children this year! This is our new Google Site that we will be using for the 2020-2021 school year. I encourage you to explore and visit often. More and more content will be posted as we get going.

Weekly News

May 3rd,

All Canada Games Mascot Entries are due tomorrow for those who are participating. I will send them off tomorrow after school.

We have finished up our grade one words for the year. We will be continuing to review them in class and at home.

In math, we are working on strategies for addition and subtraction to 20.

In Kindergarten math, we are reviewing our outcomes through many games and stations.

In reading, we have just finished a unit on becoming Word Detectives. Students have been exposed to many different strategies to solve tricky words.

In writing we have been working on persuasive writing. This week we are finishing up by reading the book The Best Pet by Tony Stead. In the end students will write me a letter to try to persuade me to get and unusual class pet.

Friday is the Area Association meeting and there will be NO SCHOOL for students.

April 19th,

This week there will be no homework books going home. I will be doing my book inventory. If you have any books at home I would love to have them passed back in so I can have an accurate count.

This week they can log in to the google classroom to do Teach Your Monster to read or Epic! The Epic! site is available for free until 4 pm everyday.

April 6th,

I hope everyone had a good long weekend.

Mrs.Ramsay will be starting the Personal Safety unit tomorrow with the grade ones. It is 3 lessons and hopefully she will be finished this week.

March 29th,

Wow! I can't believe we are in the last days of March.

Grade one will be starting a unit on Personal Safety taught by Mrs. Ramsay. She sent home a permission form today. Please sign and return as soon as possible. If you have any further questions about the lessons please reach out to Mrs. Ramsay.

No School : Friday April 2nd and Monday April 5th.

Have a great week!

March 22nd

I hope everyone had a relaxing March Break.

A reminder to send in collections tomorrow for their writing class. Refer to the email sent on March 12th for details.

Please send back indoor shoes. They have gym tomorrow and will need shoes to participate.

March 8th

Thank you for all the great conversations we had over the past two days. It is always great to share student progress. As I mentioned to a few of you we are starting a new Phonics and letter/Word Study program. It is called Fundations. I will add a introduction video to help explain the program. This is the Kindergarten version of the program but it will be rolled out to the grades 1-3 over the next few years. All students in 1Z will be participating in the program. From time to time I will be sending home information and practice work.

Wednesday March 10th will be Winter Fun Day/Pj day.

February 22nd

Wow! I can't believe that February is almost over! Where is the time going?

We are welcoming a new student in Grade 1. Rayden Chau will be joining us on Monday.

There are some important dates coming up.

February 24th is Pink Shirt day. Students are encouraged to wear something pink in support of Anti-Bullying. Leadership students have prepared some videos for classes to watch on this day. We will also do activities in the class.

February 23rd is the 100th Day of School. We will do various math activities with numbers to 100. Students are invited to take a collection of 100 item to school on this day to count. Examples might be 100 pennies, 100 pieces of lego, 100 pieces of pasta.

February 25th is Winter fun day. We will be doing various activities within the school and outside. It will also be Pizza Day. Orders can be placed on Hot Lunches.

Book Fair. K-3 students will be invited to the book fair Starting on March 1st. I will give you the exact date next week.

Parent Teacher Interviews March 4th and 5th. Interview times will be coming home next week. Times will remain the same as last time unless you have a conflict and you can contact me and we will try to work something out.

Have a great week!


January 25th

This week we will be continuing to celebrate Family Literacy Day. On Wednesday students are encouraged to dress up as a favourite book character. I am dressing up as Olaf from Frozen. Students are welcome to join me and be a character from Frozen or choose a character of their own.

January 11th

We are back in full swing in 1Z. Family Literacy day is coming up and Ms. Graham has announced another project from the library.

Family Literacy Day - Art Contest K-2

We are celebrating Family Literacy Day with an invitation for k-2 students to do a

creative art project related to the book “Snowmen at Night”

There are two categories, but all snowmen should be smaller then a


Materials- only paper, glue and coloring tools (flat or 3D)
Materials- be creative and materials can range from clay to cloth

Story link for “Snowmen at Night”

Bring to school Monday, January 18th

-Only one entry per student. There will be small prize awards per class for

creativity, humor etc...Students need to carry them to school, so nothing to big.

-This is a home project and entries should be done mostly by the students,

but parents or other family members may help pick out an idea.


your name on the back of your design (if possible so that it is not


-All projects should go home starting Feb. 17th.

Those that remain on Friday will be thrown out.

Reading and Writing News

We have begun a unit on Non-fiction reading and writing. Students will be writing about things that they know all about. It could be a sport, an animal, outerspace or how to do something.

In reading they will be learning to

  1. Take a sneak peek to start learning.

  2. Stop and study each page.

  3. Guess what might come next.

  4. Chat about a page or the book with a partner.

  5. Make your voice sound smooth and lively.

  6. Find and think about keywords.

In grade one we will be learning about the long and short a.

December 7th

Since we are unable to have an in person Holiday Concert this year, Mrs. Duncan has been busy working on two special holiday songs with each class that will be recorded. Parents from each class will receive a youtube link from their classroom teacher via email or Google classroom/site. The recordings will take place on December 9th and 10th (snow date on Dec 11th). Please see the schedule below and what students are being asked to wear for the performance.

Thursday, December 10th:

KB, KD, KC - please wear red, green or a holiday sweater

1C, 2X - please wear red, green or a holiday sweater

1Z, 2B, 2Y - please wear red, green or a holiday sweater

Holiday Shop

Our class will be shopping on Wednesday December 9th.

Christmas Theme Week:

We will be having a spirit week at West Kent December 14-18th. Notices were sent home last week asking for donations to the Christmas families. The Theme days are as follows:

Monday December 14th: Holiday Hats

Tuesday December 15th Christmas Sweaters

Wednesday December 16th Jersey Day

Thursday December 17th Red and Green Day

Friday December 18th PJ day

November 16th-18th

Bookfair: Our class will visit the bookfair on Tuesday November 17th sometime between 9-10 am. This year they are able to buy books on Tuesday when they go. If there is something they see on Tuesday that they would like they can bring money on Wednesday and Mrs.Graham will get it for them.

Parent Teacher Interviews: Interviews will take place on Thursday evening and Friday. There will be no school on Friday Nov. 20th. I only sent out 1 interview time for each child. If you are parenting from two homes and would like a seperate times due to the 1 parent rule from CPHO please contact me. We can set up a new time or do a phone interview.

Have a great week!

November 9th

There is no school Wednesday Nov, 11th for Remembrance Day, as well as Thursday and Friday November 12th and 13th for The annual Teachers Convention.

Parent Teacher Interviews are next week Thursday Nov. 19th and Friday November 20th. There have been new guidelines given by CPHO regarding Parent Teacher

Amendments to the Parent Teacher Interview Guidelines -Public Schools Branch Requirements for Parent Teacher Interviews

  • All staff and parents are required to wear non-medical masks, except when seated a minimum of 6-feet apart during the interview.

  • Hand sanitizer will be provided and its use promoted at entrances, exits and other common areas throughout the school.

  • For in-person interviews, only one parent/guardian per child should be in attendance.
    No students or other children should be in attendance.
    If a parent/guardian is not able to attend in-person, alternative arrangements should be made.

  • Parents are asked to limit their time at the school to the interview time in order to minimize the number of people in the school at a given time.

  • Parents are not required to sign in at the entrance but are expected to sign in with every teacher they meet.

  • Parents/Guardians are asked to enter and exit the school through your child’s cohort doors:

KB/KC/KD (Cohort 1) – Front/Main entrance

1C/2X (Cohort 2) & 2Y/2B/1Z (Cohort 3) – Side front entrance (by the parking lot)

3A/3B (Cohort 4) & 4A/4X/4E (Cohort 5) – Back playground entrance

5A/5Y (Cohort 6) & 6A/6B (Cohort 7) – Gym door (back entrance)

November 2nd

First term report cards will be going out on Thursday November 5th.

Keep an eye out next week for interview times being sent home. In person interviews will take place. If you prefer to have a phone interview please let me know and we can set one up.

Reminder that there is no school on November 11th, 12th and 13th.

Have a great week!

October 26th

A quick run down of this week’s themed dress up days:

Today - Inside Out and/or Backwards Day

Tuesday - Silly Hat Day

Wednesday - 70s/80s/90s Day

Thursday - Jersey Day

Friday - Halloween Costumes OR Black and Orange (no masks or costume weapons, please and thanks!)

October 19th

Thank you to everyone who donated to the craft basket for the Fall Fun Week Raffle. It's going to be a large basket to win! Tickets will go home next week with students. Homework is updated now in the homework tab.

October 13th

I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving weekend. If you are out exploring this weekend your child can collect a few leaves that they would like to bring into the class for some projects this week. If you could let them dry and press them inside a heavy book that would be great. Try to collect 10 leaves of different shapes, sizes and colours.

Please check out the grade level tab. I have added some information in the math file. I'm sending home a math game this week. The K's have already played the game and the ones will be learning their game on Tuesday. They can play with a parent or older sibling.

I hate to say it but it's time to start sending hats and mitts for recess. It was freezing out there today!

October 5th

Reminder that we are having a Teddy Bear Clinic on Thursday October 8th. Please bring in a baby or Teddy Bear on this day.

September 28th

What a beautiful day it was today! We decided to do our reading time outside this afternoon.

We did our Terry fox run on Friday September 25th. It was a beautiful day for it. The students in Cohort 3 ran around the outside of the playground area for 15 minutes. Some really gave it their all and ran the whole time! I wish I would have taken my camera outside to get some pictures! The school will be collecting donations until October 9th.

Orange Shirt Day: Orange Shirt Day will be on Wednesday, September 30. Please remember to wear something Orange. Orange Shirt Day is a day that we remember the devastating impact that the residential school system had on our First Nations communities and on all Canadians. This is also a day to promote kindness and good citizenship in our school as the theme of the day is “Every Child Matters”.