Mrs. M's Class Site


Hello everyone,

Happy New Year to you all! I'm reaching out to you to begin the process of setting up for online learning. The latest update informed us that we will be doing online learning up to the 17th.

Thursday and Friday are going to be days where we ease into online learning and take things one day at a time. Next week I will be in contact with parents again to make sure everyone's questions are answered and getting along good. We will do all that we can to make the transition as easy as possible. I understand that this is not an easy situation for anyone so we will all try to be flexible and patient with one another in the coming weeks. I will be doing all of my communication with students via my Google classroom.

Grade 5/6 Homeroom:

Grade 5/6 Language Arts:

Grade 6 Math:

Grade 5 Math:

When you click on this link your students will be prompted to use their Google login info to access my classroom. If you need your Google login, please contact me.

For Thursday and Friday of this week I would like students to;

1.) Reading: Read for 15 minutes each day, they can read their own novel at home or I have signed the students up for epic. The class code is ugr5131

2.) Writing: In terms of writing I would like students to write for 15-20 minutes a day. Thursday and Friday they can write to me about their break. I will want students paying close attention to proper punctuation, capitalization where it is needed, writing complete sentences, paragraphing and having a proper introduction as well as conclusion. I would like students to work on the same piece of writing on both Thursday and Friday and then they can share it to my cloud account (students already know how to do this). If for some reason they can not type it, writing it out on paper is fine.

3.) Math: For Math I will have math sheets posted on my Google classroom and I want students to select one sheet to complete for their warm up. Then, I would like for students to log onto their Math Prodigy accounts and work on the assignment I've created for them for 20-30 minutes.

**There will be additional instructions for all work that is assigned on the Google classroom.

Every single student should have a writer's notebook, reading response and their word work scribbler at home. I had sent these home with them just in case we switched to online learning before the Christmas break. I did not send home a math scribbler, my apologies. They can complete their math on extra loose leaf or an extra scribbler. If possible, I would like them to write using a computer or chrome book so that they can share it with me and I can see how they are doing.

On Thursday and Friday I will make myself available on Google meet which students can access by signing onto my Homeroom Google classroom. There will be a link shared on my Google classroom that they can click on and join a Google meet with myself and other students. I will be on their live from 10-11 both days to assist in any way I can and answer any questions students may have about their work.

Next week you can expect to see instructional videos being posted to my Google classroom and you will be given more information from me regarding what our day to day learning goals will be.

Let's ease ourselves into this and be kind to ourselves, as I said I realize this is not an easy thing to take on.

Please don't hesitate to email me at with any questions or concerns.

Thank you,

Chelsey MacDonald


Meet Your Teacher

Hi everyone!

My name is Chelsey MacDonald and I have been teaching for five years now and I am SO excited to be the grade 5/6 teacher at Montague Consolidated! I live in Cardigan, PEI with my husband Justin. I love being outdoors, animals and taking on new challenges! I am a HUGE sports fan, especially hockey. My favourite team, as you can tell, is the Montreal Canadiens! I also love reading new books and love to hear what my students are reading. Can't wait to get to know all of you!