Weekly updates

Week of June 3-7

Bonjour les parents! 

Hope you all had a great weekend!  Feels like winter again.  brrrr

A reminder that our class play is this Tuesday at 1 pm.  You can arrive anytime after 12:45 and make your way to our classroom. The students are very excited, they have been working hard and I'm sure you will love it!  

The play should last about 10 to 15 minutes and then we will have cake and juice!  :) 

We should have butterflies this week as well.  We have 7 beautiful cocoons.  

The french immersion kindergarten students will be going on a field trip to King's castle on June 21st. Rain date is June 24th.  

Here is a picture of our chrysalides (Cocoons)  

Mme Kitson

Week of May 27-31

Bonjour everyone! 

Hope you had a great weekend! 

This week, we are continuing the preparation for our class play.    Lots of excitement in our classroom with this. The students are loving it!  The play will be in our classroom on Tuesday June 4th at 1 pm.  It will last about 15 minutes and then you are welcome to stay for cake! :)  I was asked about siblings attending,  I would like just the parents there unless you have younger children and do not have childcare.   Just because of space and it's less distracting.   I hope everyone understands.  We will be performing for other classes so there is a good chance your older siblings will get to see our play. :) 

Please send their clothing for the play anytime to leave in class until the play.  Let me know if you have any questions about costumes or anything.  I do have one extra yellow shirt if someome needs it and I have 5 farmer hats.  

There is a book fair in the library this week.  Our class will be going on Tuesday.  Feel free to send money with your child.  Please put it in a ziploc bag with your child's name on it.  Merci! 

We are learning the letters G and Y.  

In math, we are continuing learning to count forward and backwards.  We have been working on breaking a number into 2 parts.  

Our catepillars are growing fast.  I added photos on the class photo page and will send more this week.  

Have a wonderful week. 

Mme Kitson

Week of May 20-24


Hope you all had a wonderful long weekend!  I hope this weather is here to stay!  :) 

This week is a short one for kindergarten students, no school for them on Friday.  We are welcoming the upcoming students for orientation.  It just seems like yesterday your children were here for orientation.  This year flew by!  

This week, we are continuing to practice for our class play.   The students are very excited about this! :) I can't wait for you all to see it. 

Also, our caterpillars arrived last week.  The students are very excited to learn about the butterfly cycle.  I will post photos this week.  

We are learning the letters X and Z.  

We will be going on a field trip to Kings' Castle on June 21st.   Parent volunteers are welcome, please reach out to Miss Dunn to make sure you have a crimimal check.  

I am sending a seperate email to explain your child's role for our class play....keep an eye for it. 

Have a great week!

Mme Kitson

Week of May 13-17

Bonjour and Happy Mothers Day to all the wonderful Moms!! 

I hope you all had an amazing weekend! 

This week, we are going to be busy getting ready for our class play "La Petite Poule Rousse"  I will email you  this week to explain your child's role and maybe things that we need.  For example, if your child is a pig, he or she would need pink clothes.  We are making most of the props in class.   The Play will be in our classroom on Tuesday June 4th at 1 pm.   If you can't attend, you can send a relative, friend, etc.. It should last about 30 minutes. 

This week, we are learning the letters C and Q.  

We are continuing with our spring theme and "Les insectes"  

Now that the weather is getting nicer, we will be doing more learning outdoors.  Lots of science experiments coming! :) 

Our catepillars should arrive this week!  This is one of my favorite activities in kindergarten.  We are going to watch and learn the whole cycle of the butterfly and learn so many new French vocabulary words!  

There will be a book fair in the library the week of May 27th. More info to come. 

I added some photos on the class photo page of a writing activity we did.  

A reminder there is no school for kindergarten students on Friday May 24th for kindergarten orientation. 

Have a great week!

Mme Kitson

Week of May 6-10


I hope you all have an amazing weekend!  Lots of hockey playoffs to watch! 

Next week, we will continue our themes on "le printemps" (spring) and finish up some animal crafts and activities.  We will also start to learn about "les insectes" (Insects) 

We have our roles all picked out for our class play "La Petite Poule Rousse"  I'm thinking Tuesday June 4th at 1 pm for our performance.  I hope that works for everyone.  It should last about 15 to 20  minutes.   We are making most of the props in class but I will let you know if we need anything.    The next few weeks will be busy getting ready but fun!! :)   

In literacy, we have been working a lot on blending letters to make a sound. For example; m & a makes the sound "ma".  

Here is a video of what it looks like:


Upcoming dates:

Monday May 20th: No school, statutory holiday

Friday May 24th: No school for kindergarten students only. 

Have a great week!

MMe Kitson

Week of April 29-May 3

Bonjour les parents! 

Hope you had an amazing weekend!  It's an exciting time with hockey playoffs.  I was asking the students which NHL teams were their favorite and most of them said "Pownal" HaHa!!  

It's also an exciting time in our classroom, we will be inviting the parents sometime in June (aiming for the first week of June)  to watch our class play "La Petite Poule Rousse" (The little red hen)  We picked out our parts last week and we will be starting to practice this week.  We will be making most of the props in the classroom so I won't need much from parents.  I am looking for a big box, the kind that you would get from an appliance so we can make a barn.   I was going to buy myself a new washer and dryer to get a couple of boxes but hubby said no....at least I tried!   LOL   :)   Let me know if you have one kicking around and I could pick it up.  Merci!  

Last week, we learned the letters P, J and Z.  This week we are learning H and D.  

In math this week, we are focusing on counting backwards in French!   

Our next themes are "le printemps"(spring) and  "les insectes" (bugs).  I ordered some caterpillars that should arrive in a couple of weeks.  We will be raising them and watch them turn into butterflies.   

That's all the news for now, have a great week!

Mme Kitson   

Week of April 22-26


Hope you all had a wonderful weekend! 

Hoping the sunny weather is here to stay!   

We have been spending some extra time outside last week in the afternoons and I plan to continue as long as the weather is nice!  Spring time is a great time for students to explore their 5 senses outside.  We have been looking for bugs, flowers that are beginning to grow,  leaf buds on branches and so much more!  (Plus the mud..lol) 

This week, we will talk about Earth Day and finish up our animal theme.  We will also continue with spring activities.  

Tomorrow is our library day.  Please return any books you have at home.  

This Wednesday, we welcome the Easter Seal Ambassador Lucie Gallant to our school.  

Here is some info about Lucie:


Have a great week!

Mme Kitson

Week of April 15-19


I hope you are enjoying the weekend!  I'm loving this mild weather!  :) 

Next week, we are continuing with our animal theme and will focus on  "les animaux domestiques" (pets)

Your child has a new little book in their pochette.  I added a little video on the class photo page. Go check it out! 

Last week, we learned the letters F and B, Next week, it's J and P. 

We are getting really close to filling our kindness jar so I'm predicting a PJ and Toy day on Thursday!  

Also on Thursday,  the school is selling fudgicles to raise money for the Easter Seasl.  Here is the note from school:

Easter Seals

Lucie Gallant is this year’s Easter Seals Ambassador.  Lucie and her entourage will be at Glen Stewart Primary on Wednesday April 24th at 8:40 a.m. for the annual Easter Seals Tour.  

On Thursday of next week, we will be giving a fudgsicle to all of our students at lunch (or snack, depending on the homeroom teacher’s preference).  We ask that you consider sending in a monetary donation before Thursday so that we can pool together funds to donate to the Easter Seals Campaign.  The class that raises the most money, will have a pizza party.  The class that raises the second most amount of money will get an extra recess outside, supervised by Ms. Hufnagel and Ms. Dunn.  If you do not want your child to receive a fudgesicle, or if your child has dietary restrictions, please inform your child’s homeroom teacher.

Money raised through Easter Seals Campaign goes to many Island organizations to help assist people of all ages living with disabilities by purchasing items and providing services. 

Have a great week! 

Mme Kitson

Week of April 8-12

Bonjour les parents! 

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend! 

A reminder that school will be dismissed at 12:30 tomorrow.  Solar eclipse glasses were sent home last Thursday. :) 

If you need to change your child's after school plan tomorrow, please call the school or let me know asap.  Mme Gloria is in for me tomorrow. 

Last week, we focused on zoo animals and this week, we will learn about "les animaux de la ferme" (farm animals).  

In math, we are starting a unit on measurements.  We continue to work with numbers 6 to 10. 

Dates to remember:

April 8th, Solar Eclipse: School will be dismissed at 12:30 pm. 

April 11th and 12th, Spring Photos.

April 19th, PD Day: No school 

May 24th, Kindergarten Orientation Day: No school for Kindergarten students ONLY 

Have a great week! 

Mme Kitson

Week of April 1-5


I hope you all had a great March Break and a wonderful Easter weekend!  I've missed the students and I'm excited to see them  tomorrow and can't wait to hear about their March Break!  :) 

This week, we are starting a new theme on "Les animaux" (animals)  We will focus on zoo animals this week.  Keep an eye out for a new song going home this week.  

Please remember to send their little reading acitivty in the ziploc bag to school everyday.  I will be adding some new little books by the end of this week.  

Please send a change of clothes as well.  Before the break, I sent your child's extra clothes home.  Please send lots of socks, kids get pretty muddy and wet this time of year.  

Dates to remember:

April 8th, Solar Eclipse: School will be dismissed 2 hours early.

April 11th and 12th, Spring Photos.

April 19th, PD Day: No school 

May 24th, Kindergarten Orientation Day: No school for Kindergarten students ONLY 

Have a great week!

Mme Kitson

Week of March 18-22

Bonjour les parents! 

Happy Saturday!!! 

Next week is a short one with March Break starting on Friday.  

Our school is having Spirit Week before the break.  Here are the days of activities:

Monday: St. Patrick’s Day Celebrations.  Dress in green! 


Tuesday: Hat day/ silly socks


Wednesday: Favourite colour day or colourful day (Dress in your favorite colour or wear as many colors)


Thursday: PJ day 

We will also talk a bit about Easter next week and do a fun craft!  :) 

I'm going to start sending home some little reading activities.  It will be in a ziploc bag and it's usually a little book that we have been working all together in class.  I will add more books as we continue to make them.   There is a little example in the class photo page.  

I am going to send home your child's basket of extra clothes on Thursday.  Please go through it and send some more after the break.  Let me know if your child needs their indoor shoes. 

Here is a fun game we played in class this week:


No library next week.  

Have a great weekend!  And for those who are travelling for March break, safe travels and have fun!! 

Mme Kitson


Week of March 11-15

Bonjour les parents! 

I hope you're enjoying this sunny day!   Let's hope spring is not too far away. :) 

Next week, we are continuing with our transportation theme.  I sent home a new song in your child's pochette this week and I put the link to the song on the class photo page.  Let me know if it doesn't work.  

This week, we will also be doing some fun St. Patricks Day activities.  

Thanks for those who came to the parent teacher interviews. It's always nice to see how much progress your children have been doing. They are amazing humans! :) 

The ones who were scheduled for last Thursday have been rescheduled for next Thursday at the same time.  If you need to make any changes, let me know.  I am available Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday after school.   

Report cards will be going home on Wednesday.  

Library day will be on Friday. Speaking of library, our wonderful librarian Mme Amy is looking for volunteers:

If any of our parents/guardians would like to volunteer some time to help out in our library (shelving books, taping books, etc), please reach out to Amy Kelly Pigott, our librarian at ackelly@edu.pe.ca

That's all the news for now! 

Have a great weekend!

Mme Kitson

Week of March 4-8

Bonjour les parents! 

I hope you all had a great weekend!  It's nice seeing some melting snow, spring is just around the corner. ( I hope! LOL) 

I'm looking forward to seeing you this week for parent teacher interviews.  A reminder there is no school Friday.  

This week, we are starting a new theme on "Les moyens de transport"  (transportation) This is always a fun theme with students. There will be a new song going home in their songbook this week. 

In math, we are starting a new unit on 3D shapes while we continue to work with numbers 1 to 10.  

In literacy, we are learning the letters E and S this week. 

Have a great week!

Mme Kitson

Week of Feb.19-22

Bonjour les parents! 

I hope you are all enjoying the long weekend! 

Thanks again for coming to our restaurant activity last week.  I can't say this enough on how proud I am of all the students.  They were so excited to have you in our classroom and they did so fabulous!  You have amazing children!  :) 

I added some photos on the class photo page of our recent activities.  

This week, we are reviewing all the letters we have learned so far.  They are: a, o, i, v, m, n, r, l and u.   

Here are a couple of videos that are good for reviewing:



On Wednesday, it's pink shirt day.  Students can wear pink to encourage empathy, kindness and compassion. :) 

On Friday, our school will be celebrating the 100th day of school!  Time flies eh?   The students can get dressed up as a 100 year old person.  

That is all the news I have. 

Have a wonderful week!

Mme Kitson

Week of February 12-16


Happy Super Bowl weekend! :) 

This week is our  Valentine's restaurant activity.  The students are very excited to have you join us for this.  It will be from 11 to 12 noon on Wednesday.   When you arrive, make your way to our classroom.  You will be seated and served by your child.  In our menu, there are 4 items, muffins, bananas, cheese and juice.  There is a number beside each item, you will need to pay (With bingo chips that will be on each table) but your child needs to add the items and let you know how many bingo chips you need to give your child.  When everyone gets there on Wednesday, I will explain again.   This is actually a math activity for the students!  LOL!!  

In case of storm day, we will have it on the next day, Thursday!  Cross fingers for no storms!  

Speaking of snow, our playground is just beautiful and we've been spending a lot of time outdoors.  I added some photos on the photo page of when we went sledding last week.  

Also, on Valentine's Day, we will have a little party in the afternoon.  The kids are welcome to exchange Valentine's cards. Here is a list of students from our class:

Will, Declan, Pius, Jaxon, Rhys, Vaughn, Silas, Evelyn, Fiona, Freya, Josie, Louisa, Audrey, Sylvie, Myra.  

Our next library day will be Thursday.  

Enjoy the rest of the weekend! 

Mme Kitson

Week of Jan. 29-Feb.2

Bonjour les parents! 

Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!  

Hard to believe this week we start February!  Time is flying by! 

This week, we are going to finish our themes on fruits and vegetables.   We are continuing with winter activities.  Last week, we took the sleds out but it became really windy so we didn't stay too long so we are going to try again this week.    :) 

 We are really close to filling our "star jar" (les étoiles) for being  kind and making great choices so I'm predicting a PJ DAY This Friday.  I will remind everyone.   

Our next library day is Monday Feb. 5th. 

A reminder about our Valentine's café happening in our classroom on February 14th from 11 am to 12pm.    You will be invited into our classroom, one or both parents can attend.  If you can't make it, feel free to send a Grandparent, friend, etc.  The students are going to start getting things ready this week like menus and decorations.  Could you please send me a quick email to let me know if you can attend and how many people.    Merci!   

The next letters we are learning are R and V. 

In math, we are continuing to explore numbers form 6 to 10. 

Have a great week!

Mme Kitson

Week of January 22-26


I hope you all had a nice weekend!  It's so nice to finally have some snow.  I'm hoping to take the students for extra outdoor times this week for some sledding!  :)

This week, we are focusing on "les légumes" (vegetables)  Our fruit week was great. The students enjoyed making fruit salad.  I added some photos ofn the class photo page. 

I read the book: "Pat the chat, l'énorme sandwich" and asked the students to draw their favourite food to add to their very own sandwich.  I added a photo of their work at the bottom of this post.  

Here are the link to the story in french and english:



Our next library day is this Friday. Please remember to return books.  Some of the students still need to return the one from a couple of weeks ago.  :) 

That's all the news for now, 

Have a great week! 


Week of January 15-19


Hope you all had a great weekend!  Not much snow for the kids to play in eh?  Hopefully we will get some soon.  If the weather stays the same, be prepared for your child to come home a bit muddy this week!    Don't forget to send extra mittens (socks too)  :) 

This week, we are starting a new theme on Fruits and vegetables. (Les fruits et les légumes)  We are going to taste some different fruits this week and on Friday, we are going to make our own "Fruit salad"  Feel free to send in a fruit to contribute to our recipe.  

We are also continuing to learn and explore about "L'hiver" (winter activities)  Once we get some snow, we are going to spend more time outside like making snowmen and sledding!  :) 

This week we are going to focus on the letters M, N and L.  

In math, we are starting a unit on numbers 6 to 10.  

We have been  learning about clothing, "Les vêtements".  There is a new song in your child's pochette.   So much learning in kindergarten!!  :) 

Save the date:  On February 14th, you will be invited to our class for a restaurant activity.   It will be from 11 to 12 noon.  One or both parents can attend.  If you can't make it, you can send a Grandparent, aunt, uncle, friend, etc..   We are transforming our classroom into a little cafe and you will be served by your children.  It's one of my favorite activity of the year!  I will send more info about it when we get closer to the date.  (Storm date will be the day after, same time).  

I am always looking for crafts supplies (simple household recyclables) if you have any to spare, I would love them for our class.  We love to create with art!  

That's all the news I have, have a great week! 

Mme Kitson

Week of Dec. 18-22


Hope everyone had a great weekend! 

I hope you enjoyed our class concert last week.  Thank you for taking the time to come, I know it's a very busy time of hte year. 

I'm so proud of the students, they did an amazing job and we're very excited to perform for you. 

This week is our last week before the holidays.  I am going away with my family on Wednesday so Mme Justine will be in for me Wednesday to Friday.   We will have a little party in our class on Tuesday, we are decorating cookies and having treats!  YAY!!  

Our school has some fun days this week as well:

Monday, December 18th- Dress in green and red.                   

Tuesday, December 19th- School wide Read Aloud. 

Wednesday, December 20th- Festive attire ( holiday shirt, holiday socks, etc..)  

Thursday, December 21st- School wide bingo

Friday, December 22nd- Pyjama Day   

Have a great week! 

Mme Kitson

Week of December 11-15


I hope you all enjoyed your child's concert!  Our class did an amazing job!  Thanks to Josie's mom (our amazing music teacher) for the hard work putting these concerts on.  :) 

On Wednesday, it's our class concert.  The students are very excited to perform some of the French holiday songs we have been learning in class.  The concert will be at 6 pm.   You can arrive anytime after 5:45, you can come in through the main doors and make your way to our classroom.   The students will sing a few songs, and then you are welcome to stay for cookies and juice!  We should be done by 6:45.   Can you please let me know if you won't be attending.  Merci!  

Here is one song the students have been learning:


In literacy, we are continuing to learn Christmas vocabulary words.  We have started to explore rhymes and syllables. 

In math, we are continuing to explore numbers 1 to 10.   Here is a fun video:


Have a wonderful week! 

Looking forward to seeing you all Wednesday! 

Mme Kitson

Week of Dec. 4-8

Bonjour les parents! 

Hope you all had a great weekend!  

Looks like we're getting some snow, exciting for kids!  Please make sure you send snowpants, hats, mitts, etc.   We are going to spend some extra time outside this week, especially if there is snow!  :) 

It's concert week, here is what was sent to parents on Friday:

 The first of our 3 holiday concerts this week:

     Tuesday – kindergarten

     Wednesday – grade one

     Thursday – grade two

Just a few details:

 That's all the news for now, 

See you Tuesday! 

Mme Kitson

Week of Nov. 27-Dec. 1


Hope you all had a wonderful weekend! 

Thanks to everyone for meeting with me for parent teacher interviews.  You have amazing children and I'm very lucky to have them in my class.  They have shown so much progress already and I'm so proud of them, I just love being their teacher! :) 

So hard to believe we are heading into December this week!  EEEK!!!  

This is a busy time of year for everyone but also a fun and magical time!   

This week, we are starting our theme on "NOEL" (Christmas).  There will be a few songs and vocabulary words coming home in your child's pochette this week.  

A reminder about Christmas concerts; on December 5th, it's the kindergarten concert in our school gym at 1:10 pm and 6 pm.   More info coming out this week. 

And also, we will be having our own class concert in our classroom on Wednesday Dec. 13th at 6 pm for parents and siblings.  (More info coming later) 

In literacy, we have been focusing on these letters:  i, o, u, a, and we will be learning the letters m and l.   Here are  videos about the letter i and u:  (They are a bit tricky in french) 



In numeracy, we have been learning numbers 1 to 5 and this week, we will focus on what number comes before and after and counting backwards.   We continue to work with patterns.  

I added some photos on the photo page.  

Please send extra socks and mittens with your child.  Some of us get quite damp outside and we do go out sometimes in light rain.  

Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. 

Have a wonderful week! 

Mme Kitson


Week of Nov. 20th-24th


Hope you all had a great weekend! It's starting to get busy out there, it's that wonderful time of the year!! 

I'm looking forward to meeting you this week for parent teacher interviews. If you haven't done so yet, please sign up.  

This week, we are finishing our theme on "la famille" and starting to explore our 5 senses.  We will also start to learn about the holidays and winter clothing. (Les vêtements)  

Report cards will be going home on November 29th. 

The Christmas concert for kindergarten students will be held Tuesday December 5th in the gym. More details to come.  

You will also be invited into our classroom on Wednesday December 13th for a class Christmas concert at 6 pm.  The students will put on a little concert for parents in French.  Space will be limited so I'm asking that parents and siblings only attend.  There will be some treats after.   I'll send more info about this soon.   

We are really close to filling up our kindness jar so I'm predicting a pj day this Thursday.  I will confirm in the next couple of days. :) 

When you come for parent teacher interviews, can you please check in your child's basket (above their jacket hook) and see if they need some more extra clothes.   I noticed most of the students need socks and undies!  :) Merci! 

That's all the news I have for now.

Have a great week!

Mme Kitson

Week of Nov. 6-10

Bonjour les parents! 

Hope everyone had a great weekend!  Nice to get that extra hour of sleep this morning!  :) 

We survived last week with Halloween, teddy bear sleepover, clinic and SNOW!  LOL   I added some photos of the teddy bear clinic on the photo page.  Our student nurses Michael and Andrea were the best!  They were wonderful with the students and we are going to miss them. 

This week, we are starting a new theme on "La famille" (Family). 

Here is link to our new song we are learning:


We will also talk a bit about Remembrance Day. 

In literacy, we are learning the letters i, a, o.  

In numeracy, we are working on numbers 1 to 5 and patterns. 

Parent teacher interviews are coming up this month. (Nov.23rd and 24th)  They will be held Thursday evening and all day Friday.  I will also be available Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday after school.  You will be able to book online soon.  

Some important dates: 

Monday Nov. 13 (no classes)

Thurs-Friday Nov.16, 17th:  PEITF convention (no classes)

Friday Nov. 24th: parent teacher interviews (no classes)

Have a great week!

Mme Kitson

Week of Oct. 30-Nov.4

Bonjour les parents! 

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend!   The weather was just gorgeous on Saturday.  Not so warm today!  

Speaking of weather, please send extra clothing with your child daily, like hats, mitts, splash pants, etc.   Our playground does get quite damp and chilly.  

This is a big week in kindergarten!   On Tuesday, it's our Halloween party.  Kids can come in costumes but please send a change of clothes in case they want to change through the day.   We ask you keep the accessories at home (they often get lost of broken)  And also, please no weapons or masks.   Feel free to send some treats for our class (peanut free please) 

On Wednesday, the kindergarten students are having a PJ DAY!    YAY!  Hopefully to help calm things down after a night of trick or treating!  :)  HaHa!!   

Also, the teddy bear clinic for our class is on Thursday, but I am asking that everyone brings in a teddy on Wednesday.  Your child's teddy bear will be having a sleepover a the school and we are going to do some fun activities with this. Please send a teddy that your child feels comfortable keeping at school for one night.  And then, on Thursday, everyone will have their teddy ready for the clinic. 

We've been having fun with some science acitivities in our class. Last week, we had fun with flying ghosts!  Here is the youtube video of the activity:


I added some photos on our photo page. Go check them out! 

Have a great week!

Mme Kitson

Week of October 23-27

Bonjour les parents! 

Hope you had a wonderful weekend! 

This week, it's all about Halloween!! We'll be doing some cool activities and experiments.  We learned 2 songs last week and I'll add them to your child's songbook this week.  We've been learning lots of Halloween vocabulary words as well.   I'll add those to their songbook as well.  

This week, it's the Scholastic book fair.  Our class will be visiting on Wednesday.  Feel free to send money (please label it in a bag with your child's name )  It's not mandatory to buy books, we usually have a great time just going to explore and look at the books. 

A reminder that Friday is a PD day.  

Our class is really close to filling up our kindness jar so I'm predicting a PJ day on Thursday (I will confirm)  

Our class will be having a Halloween party on October 31st.  More details to come.  

Last week, we got a chance to see a special presentation from Earth Rangers.  I added some photos and a video on the class photo page.  

We are starting a new literacy program in French called "La forêt"  It focuses on the french alphabet and their sound.  Perfect for French immersion kindergarten students!  Tomorrow will be work on the letter A.  

In numeracy, we are continuing with "les régularités" (patterns) and working with numbers 1 to 5. 

That's all the news for now. 

Have a great week! 

Mme Kitson

Week of October 16-20

Bonjour les parents! 

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! 

This week, we are continuing our themes "Les pommes" (apples) and Halloween.  

With the weather getting colder, please make sure you send some  sweaters, jackets and splash pants with your child.  Our playground gets quite damp at times and we sometimes go out in the rain.  Our class has lots of energy so we often go outside to do some special activities or just to burn off energy. :) 

We learned a new song last week, "Michaud est monté dans un grand pommier"  It's an old traditional French song.  I was telling the students that my mom used to sing this song to me when I was little which lead to a ton of questions like:

"Mme Kitson, you were a kid?"

"How old are you?"

"You have a mom?" 

Then they asked how old I was, and after I told them, one student said "WOW!  If you were younger, you could climb mountains!"  

HaHaHa!  This is why I love teaching kindergarten!  Never a dull moment!  

Here is a link to the song:


Have a great week! 

Mme Kitson

Week of October 10-13

Bonjour les parents!

I hope you all had an amazing Thanksgiving weekend!   

This week, we are continuing with l'automne" and starting some Halloween activities.  We will also be learning about "les pommes" (apples) during the next 2 weeks.  Lots of fun things happening in kindergarten.  

This Thursday is picture day for French immersion students.  

I added some photos on the class photo page. :) 

I need to attend a workshop on Friday.  Mme Justine will be my sub for the day.   :) 

Have a great week!

Mme Kitson

Week of October 2-6

Bonjour les parents! 

What a gorgeous weekend!  I hope you all had the chance to enjoy it! 

The weather this week looks amazing so we will be spending some extra time outside.  :) 

Themes for October are: L'automne (Fall)  Action de Grâces (Thanksgiving) and Halloween!  October is a very fun month in kindergarten! :)  There should be a new song going home this week called "C'est l'automne"  

This Wednesday is walk to school day.  Here is some info:

International Walk to School Day is an annual event supported by the Town of Stratford and Glen Stewart Primary School. It is a mass celebration of physical activity and active transportation. 

To celebrate this day, Glen Stewart Primary School will be hosting a walk to school day on Wednesday, October 4th. A rain date will be planned for the following day, Thursday, October 5th. 

Students and families who would like to participate in this event are to meet at the Stratford Town Hall by 7:35 a.m. with a departure at 7:45 a.m. sharp. 

We are asking parent(s) and /or guardian(s) to join their child on the walk. Parking will be available at the town hall. Families will gather on the trail adjacent to Shakespeare Dr. across adjacent to the Stratford Town Hall parking lot. There will be additional chaperones joining us on the walk. There will also be volunteers that will be helping students to cross both Shakespeare Dr. and Glen Stewart Dr. 

Refreshments will be provided to all participants at the end of the walk. This will be made available in the gym. Please enter the school through the main doors.

Have a great week! 

Mme Kitson

Week of September 25-29

Bonjour les parents!

I hope you all had a great weekend!  The weather is amazing and it looks like this week will be sunny! YAY!!   I'm hoping for some extra outdoor time with the students this week.   :) 

This week, we are starting a new theme on "l'automne" (Fall)  This time a year is great to explore our 5 senses, especially in nature.  We will learn some new vocabulary words and new songs about l'automne.  

I added some songs and photos to the class photo page. Go check them out! 

This Thursday is Orange shirt day! 

No school this Friday for PD DAY. 

Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. 

Have a great week! 

Mme Kitson

Bonjour les parents! 

Hope everyone had a great weekend!  So glad the hurricane was gentle on us!  :) 

Thank you for coming to Meet the Teacher night.  It was great seeing everyone in person.  

A few reminders from Meet the Teacher night:

Please send a change of clothes with your child if you haven't done so yet.  Kleenex and wipes are a good idea to have as well. 

I'm always looking for straws and plastic spoons if you have any extras at home, I would gladly take them. Merci! 

One thing I forgot to mention is toys at school.  I don't allow any toys from home in class unless it's a special day (we will have these often)  It often causes tears, especially when they break or get lost during recess.  

We will be having some second year nursing students from UPEI joining our class for a visit this week. They will be spending a few days over the next couple of weeks with some of the kindergarten classes as part of one of their child development unit.  They set up a cute Teddy Bear clinic at the end.  I'll share more about this later. 

This week in class, we are continuing to learn about "les couleurs"  I added a new song in your child's pochette on Friday.  Please remember to send the pochette and song book to school every day as we will be using them in class.  In literacy, we are focusing on printing and identifying everyone's first name.   We are also starting to learn about "les voyelles" (vowels) There will be a song for each vowel that we will learn.  Keep an eye on the songbook this week for the first one! :) 

In numeracy, we are learning numbers 1 to 5 in French and starting to explore patterns.  

Here are a couple of cute videos on "les couleurs":



Upcoming dates:

Friday September 22: Terry Fox Run

Thursday  September 28th: Orange shirt day

Friday September 29th: PD DAY (no school)

Monday October 2: Truth and Reconciliation Day (no school)

Have a wonderful week! 

Mme Kitson 

Bonjour les parents!  

I hope you all had a great weekend!  It really felt like summer! I hope you had a chance to spend it outdoors.

We had a great 2 days of school last week.  The students are quick learners, they are catching up to the routine quite well. 

September is a very busy month, we take a lot of time working on routines in the school and on the playground,  We will also focus on self-regulation skills. 

We are heading into a 5 day week, Yikes!!  I'm sure some will be tired and some will probably fall asleep on the bus. :)  Kindergarten is a big adjustement but I'm confident we are going to have an amazing year together.  I love this age group and I can honestly say that I learn as much from your children that they learn from me. 

A reminder that this Thursday at 6pm is Meet the Teacher night.  This will be in our classroom and should last about 15 minutes.  

In French immersion kindergarten, we learn a lot by doing weekly themes.  Our first theme starting this week will be all about "les couleurs" (colors).  I have some fun activities planned and some yummy candy to try!  :)   

Mme Kitson loves music so we are going to learn tons of French songs.   Each song that we learn, I will put them in a duo tang and the students will be able to take it home daily.  It will be in their pochette, but please remember to send it to school every day as we will be using the duo tang daily.  


Sept 14th: Meet the teacher night from 6 to 6:15 pm for Kindergarten

Sept 23rd - Breakfast Fundraiser at Stratford  Town Hall 

Sept 28th: Orange Shirt Day in support of National Day of Truth and Reconciliation 

Sept 29th: No School - PD Day

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. 

Have a wonderful week and I'm looking forward to meeting you on Thursday!  

Mme Kitson