La classe de Madame melissa

Glen Stewart Primary - 1J

Welcome to our Google Site! I am so happy to be spending our year together. Please check every Monday by 4pm for important updates.

Welcome to 1J!


If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to send me an e-mail at or call the school after students are gone for the day.

Hi! My name is Melissa Butler, or as the students call me Mme Melissa. I received my BA in French as well as my BEd in French as a second language from UPEI and I recently just finished my Masters of Education in literacy from Mount Saint Vincent University!! This is my 4th year here at Glen Stewart Primary and my 11th year of teaching. I have taught both grade 1 and grade 2 here at GSP. I also taught at Elm Street Elementary in Summerside for 7 years. While there, I taught everything from kindergarten to grade 6. 

I’m originally from Tignish but now live in Cornwall with my husband, Kris and our two daughters Finley and Nora. Finley is 6 and Nora is 4.  

I am looking forward to getting to know all of the students of 1J this year as well as getting to know you all :) I look forward to working with you this year as your child explores, plays, grows, and discovers a love of learning.