
Welcome to the Kindergarten page!

This page is intended to be a location where students and parents are able to see what is happening in our music classes, it is not meant to be homework. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact Ms. Tara at . Have a great day! 😊

Hush Hush Hush

Day 1:  Introduce poem, and review proper mallet technique. Perform poem AB style where A = speaking the poem with actions, and B = improvised glockenspiel section.

Little Snowflakes

Day 1: Introduce song, explore connections between our body movements and voices (when our voices are high, our body movements are high, when our voices are low our body movements are low), how can we use scarves to show what our voices do?

Day 2: Review song and scarf movements (high/low). Add game.

Day 3: Play game.

The Snowy Day

Day 1: Read story with The Snow is Dancing by Claude Debussy playing in the back ground.

Day 2: Revisit story and song, then play 2 Truths and a Lie game to learn more about the composer Claude Debussy.

Inuit Throat Singing

We learned a little about Inuit culture, and learned how to throat sing. Most classes had enough time to pair up and practice throat singing together. 

Sing You Home

Day 1: Discuss Remembrance Day. What is it? Discover 5 remembrance day words: Peace, Love, Friendship, Compassion, and Kindness. Students split into one group per word, and create an action to represent the word. Share with the class. 

Day 2: Watch youtube video of "Sing you Home". What happened in the video?  Review words. Pick one instrument to represent each word. Create an intro to "Sing you Home" video using these instruments and words. 

Trick or Treat

Day 1: Introduce Poem by rote. Perform poem AB style while keeping a steady beat on our laps (A= Saying the poem out loud, B= Saying the poem in our heads)

Day 2: Review poem. Review steady beat and rhythm, then put the steady beat on our laps and put the rhythm in our hands. Split class in half, and give half the class drums and half the class woodblocks. Play AB form where A = steady beat on drums with poem and B + rhythm on woodblocks with poem. Switch instruments and play again.

We're Going on a Goon Hunt

Day 1: Introduce Story, have students repeat in rhythm.

Day 2: Create a Soundscape with story.

The Hall of the Mountain King

Day 1: Introduce song, listen to orchestra playing, and draw what we hear.

Day 2: Review song and introduce game.

We Are Scary Skeletons

Day 1: Introduce song, move like scary skeletons, freaky Frankensteins, ghoulish ghosts, etc. 

Day 2: Review song and movements, students create own monster movements.

Pumpkin Stew

Day 1: Introduce song via echo, add pats keeping a steady beat, perform AB form where A = patting steady beat and singing out loud, and B = patting steady beat and singing in our heads. Students take turns adding to the pumpkin stew.

Day 2: Review song, tap steady beat on our laps, then on our heads, then students decide where to put the steady beat on our bodies. Introduce partner game.

Day 3: Play game in AB form where A = Sing the song and B = clap a rhythm from the rhythm cards.

Rhythm Pumpkins

Quick review of rhythms and their values. Students draw music note designs on a slip of orange paper, then Ms Tara helps staple into a pumpkin. Students add leaf with their names.  

Story + Freeze Dance

Day 1: Read the story, then celebrate with the Turkeys with a Turkey Freeze Dance! 

**Story was adapted for kindergarten to say the turkeys had to move to a new home on Thanksgiving day

Gobble Gobble Gobble

Day 1: Introduce Poem by echoing. Perform in AB form (A= the poem, B= students imagine their hands are turkeys and do a short "turkey dance" on the drum. The class claps back the turkey dance rhythms.)

Day 2: Review poem and finish turns. 

Turkey in the Pan

Day 1: Discuss Thanksgiving meals and favorite thanksgiving foods.  Introduce poem, and begin turns putting imaginary food items in the pan. Class claps back the rhythm of the food in the pan. 

Day 2: Review poem, and resume turns. 

Grizzly Bear

Day 1:  Introduce song, discuss forte (loud) and piano (soft). Practice singing forte and piano.                                                                    

Day 2: Review song and piano/forte. Introduce game.

Day 3: Sing and play game to strengthen our piano/forte skills and ensure everyone has a turn as bear.

Julie Pellissier- Lush Videos

Please click here to follow the link to Our Musical Island where Julie's videos can be found. Thank you to the Our Musical Island team who created these incredible resources. 

Orange Shirt Day

To honor the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, we spent our music class learning stories and  a Mi'kmaq Round dance with Julie Pellissier-Lush. A huge thank you to Julie for sharing her knowledge and time, and also thank you to Our Musical Island for creating these incredible resources.

2, 4, 6, 8

Day 1: Introduce poem and pats/claps                                                                        

Day 2:  Label pats = beat, and claps = rhythm, put the beat in our feet and march around the class                                                                                                          

Day 3: Transfer to instruments (Drums and rhythm sticks)                               

Day 4: Draw the form of the poem (phrases, beats, rhythms) and complete booklet

*Assessment = Booklet  

Terry Fox La Persévérance

We listened to this song and sang along as we coloured our own versions of Terry Fox's sneaker.

Terry Fox Song

Day 1: Introduce Terry Fox Song and keep a steady beat. Students decide where to put the steady beat (ex: hands, feet, pats, head, etc)

One, Two, Three

Day 1: Introduce song by echo, introduce movement cards and move around the class like the insects on the cards.

Day 2: Review song, add body percussion. Transfer to instrument circle.

Day 3: Group work: create our own arrangement of the song using instruments and cards. 


Day 1:  Read Story and Introduce Song                                                                        

Day 2: Read Story and Introduce movement during "and she danced across the sky"                                                                                          

Day 3: Read story and take turns playing glockenspiel while feathers fall during "and she danced across the sky"

Hello Hello Hello

*French classes know this as Bonjour Bonjour Bonjour.

Day 1: Introduce Song using echoes                                                                             

Day 2: Review song and add actions. Introduce pats and claps, and "find a new partner"             

Day 3:  Pats and claps transfer to 4 different instrument groups. Each instrument group plays on a different line of the song                                                            

Your Name is a Song

Day 1: Read Story

Day 2: Review the message of the story, talk about names. Share a xylophone with a friend, and create our own name songs. Share song with the class.

Hickety Tickety Bumblebee

Day 1: Introduce poem with Pats/Claps. Add contrasting section where student play their name on the drum.                                                                        

Day 2: Introduce the body percussion chart.                                                          

Day 3: Review body percussion chart, go into groups to create own body percussion patterns.    *Assessment =  I can make my own body percussion pattern.

Jump In, Jump Out

A great game for learning more about our classmates!

Day 1: Introduce poem and game

Day 2: Play game while class chants poem and teacher plays drum

Day 3: Continue game to ensure everybody gets a turn

Stick Figure Movement

We will begin each class doing stick figure movement exercises to prepare our minds and bodies for music class. A leader will lead the class through different Stick Figure yoga poses as we listen to a variety of songs throughout the year. Not only is this great to get moving and ready to learn, but it also exposes students to many different genres and styles of music.