Our school community will provide a caring, safe and supportive environment where everyone is encouraged to be creative, challenged and happy in their work and play, and where United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) are respected and valued by all.

Language of the Month


Key Dates for Summer 2

  • w/c 12th July Tuesday Parent/carer consultation meetings

  • 16th July - Transition Day & One Page Profiles due

  • 19th July - Topsy Turvy Day - watch this space, more information will follow

  • 23rd July - Non-Uniform Day - children can wear their own clothes to school for a suggested donation to the PTA

Dear Parents/ Carers,
As we draw ever closer to the end of term I just wanted to remind our families of a few things.

All reading books to be returned before the end of term, holidays should not be arranged for term time and please remember to check your ParentMail for your child's lunch balance before the end of term. ( applicable for children in Y3-Y6)

First day of the new year for all children in Year 1- Year 6 will be Thursday 2nd September. For Nursery and Reception you will be informed of a staggered start if you haven't already.

I also want to take the time to thank you for feedback on the behaviour policy and for your for feedback on the parent/carer survey which was discussed with this week at the Full Governing Body.

Thank you to those parents who provided input and thoughts on our uniform, these have been incredibly helpful in our plans to choose another uniform provider in the future.

All reports were sent today via ParentMail, please email school@dundonald.merton.sch.uk if you require feedback via a parent/carer consultation next week.

We are having our playground resurfaced over the holidays and help is needed at this time to move sheds after school on Tuesday 13th July at 3:15pm - please email the office if you are available

Save our HMS Dundonald! Would anyone help to dismantle our boat? Please speak to the school office and ask for Michelle.

Have a fantastic weekend!

Fiona Duffy

General News

  • If your child is leaving Dundonald this year (not including Nursery or Year 6) please ensure you complete this Google form. This is a legal requirement and must be completed before their last day.

  • You will have received via ParentMail last week regarding your child's One Page Profile. Please click here for the parent/carer information we require you to complete. Please ensure this is completed before 16th July when your child will spend a day in their new class. Once completed please hand to your child's current class teacher or email into the school office.

Staffing Update

This week we say goodbye and good luck to Miss Trivet who is relocating and taking up a teaching position out of London. Thank you for your kindness and commitment to the school. Good luck at your new school.

Covid-19 Reminders

  • Ensure that if any members of your household are displaying symptoms, do not send your child into school until you have a negative PCR test.

  • If you have a notification that your household has been in direct contact with a positive case, current government guidance suggests those isolating get a PCR on day 5 of their isolation. Note a negative result does not release you from your isolation period.

  • Keep to the government guidance on gatherings and social distancing outside of school.

Round up of the week

Well done to Meis (3S) for her Young Writers' Award!

Luna's (3B) poem, Peculiar Pets was awarded the Young Writers' Award.

We raised a huge £683.20 for The Lunchbowl Network as part of their Happy, Hungry Hippos Campaign.

Thank you to everyone who bought one, this is a huge amount of fruit that will be supplied to children in Kenya.

We would like to remind families of the possibility to apply for Free School Meals (FSM), if they believe they may be eligible.

If you have never applied previously and think you might now be eligible to Free School Meals due to a change in circumstances, please apply online here.

Extended Provision

For the last session of the Year 3 Arts and Crafts club, we created and decorated ping pong bats which we trialed at the end of the session. ​Thank you for being so creative Year 3, it has made the club so great and enjoyable. We tried lots of new skills this term, like marbling paper with shaving foam, and different ways to paper mache.

Thank you,

Miss Westwick and Miss Cartledge


Digital Leaders Childnet Visit

Throughout this term our Digital Leaders have been participating in a new programme called ‘Digital Leader Plus’ run by the team at Childnet.

The Childnet Digital Leaders Programme is a youth leadership training programme empowering young people to educate their peers about online safety. Groups of Digital Leaders complete training on an interactive, informative and fun gamified platform. They work through online modules, equipping them with the skills they need to go on to educate and support their peers.

On Tuesday the Digital Leaders had a special visit from Fabian and the team from Childnet. They had a chance to show off what they have been doing around the school such as, running whole school assemblies and supporting their classmates during Computing lessons.

Amy, Matilda, Danny, Rebecca, Emily, Zoe, Mylo, Dylan and Delilah showed great leadership during the visit and we are extremely proud of them all.

Miss Sutherland

Clicker 8 / Clicker Writer

CrickSoftware has put together a new summer learning guide for parents/carers who want to use the resource with their child. It can be downloaded here.

Clicker is the complete writing solution providing every pupil with just the right level of support and challenge. The school offers families Clicker home licenses on request.

Please get in touch with Mrs Bullinger via the school office if you would like to claim a Clicker home licence.


Congratulations to the following children for receiving a Celebration Certificate last week:


WINNIE THE WITCH AWARDRu (NAM), Catherine (NPM) & Bertie (R2)


CONFIDENCE AWARDAryaveer (1B), Geephia (1M)
CONFIDENCE AWARDNoor (1B), Sophia (1M), Aarav (3S) & Oliver (5H)
COMMITMENT AWARDLexie (2D), Benas (2R), Johnny (2R), Lila (3B) & Maeva (4S)
COMMUNICATION AWARDElias (3B), Archie (5T) & George (5T)
COLLABORATION AWARDAll of 3B & 3S, Sebastian (2D), Alisha (2R), San (3S), Dylan (4S), Mylo, Delilah, Zoe (4Sc), Danny Rebecca, Emily (5H) & Matilda & Amy (Y6)
CREATIVITY AWARDTom (1B), Matthew (1M)
CRAFTSMANSHIP AWARDAmaru (2D), Alex (5T) & Matilda (Y6)