Our school community will provide a caring, safe and supportive environment where everyone is encouraged to be creative, challenged and happy in their work and play, and where United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) are respected and valued by all.

Language of the Month

Thai - pʰāːsǎːtʰāj

This Weeks Rights Respecting Assembly was on the theme of Welcome.

We have been reading All Are Welcome by Alexandra Penfold.

No Matter how you start your day. What you wear to play. Or if you come from far away. All are welcome here.

Dear Parents/ Carers,

The Governors would like to invite you to participate in the annual parent/carer survey. This is an opportunity for you to provide us with your feedback on a variety of areas central to the running of the school and everyday life at Dundonald Primary School.

Gathering feedback from our parent/carer community is an invaluable way for us to understand and learn from what you feel we are doing well and where you feel the school could improve.

Ideally, we would like each family to complete one survey per child. We understand it may be easier for some families to complete one survey which represents an average across their experience of the school for all their children.

The school really values your input and so we hope that you will take this opportunity and participate in the survey. Please follow this link to complete the survey https://is.gd/DundonaldParentSurvey. We will keep the survey open until 17th June.

The Chair of Governors' notes from the recent Full Governing Body Meeting will be shared with you after half term.

There has been a number of behaviour issues between children reported after school in the Dundonald Rec. Parental supervision and responsibility is required during these times to ensure safety of all children, please do help us support our community.

A huge congratulations to Orpington Chinese Language School Wimbledon Branch who have been presented with a Covid Award by the Mayor of Merton for their committed dedication, professionalism and resilience in educating our children during this exceedingly difficult pandemic.

I hope you all have a lovely break, take time to get plenty of rest (if you can) and enjoy the sunshine!

Fiona Duffy

General News / Reminders

  • If your child displays any symptoms between now and the end of Saturday (28/5) you must email absence@dundonald.merton.sch.uk and get a PCR test and report the result to the same email address above.

  • Parent Governor Election/Ballot - The deadline to complete the ballot form is 12 noon on Tuesday 15th June 2021.

  • Y6 please remember the Go Ape! trip on the first day back, 7th June. Children must be prompt on arriving as the train is booked for just after registration.

  • Please remember that if anyone in your household has Covid-19 symptoms then they must have a PCR test.

  • You have been sent a letter from Miss Russell and Miss Eyden regarding the changes to Relationships and Sex education (RSE). Please watch the Parent/Carer workshop video titled ‘Relationships & Health Education Presentation (May 2021)’ to find out more about the curriculum and the statutory requirements. Click this link for the workshop.

  • The DEADLINE to order your child's individual photograph is tomorrow, Friday 28th May. All information is on the proof that was sent home.

Parents/Carers of Children with SEND

Please note that we will be holding our ISP meetings on Tuesday 8th June.

We have decided to reduce the number of targets on each child's ISP for Summer 2 and Autumn 1 to two targets; this is to enable children to be in class as much as possible following the disruption with COVID.

We will be aiming to deliver as many interventions as possible in class and of course be using the 'inclusive strategies' to support your child on an ongoing basis.

You will have all received your meeting time via email, please ensure you confirm the time with the school office. Your child's ISP plans will be sent to you via ParentMail this week along with the meeting link.

Summer term attendance expectations for schools

School attendance continues to be mandatory for all pupils and the usual rules on school attendance apply. This includes parents’ duty to ensure their child regularly attends school, and schools’ and local authorities’ ability to issue sanctions, including fixed penalty notices, for poor attendance.As restrictions begin to lift, we know some families may be looking to take holidays during term time. As usual, parents should plan their holidays around school breaks and avoid seeking permission to take their children out of school on holiday.

Click here to find out more about MMF.


If your child is currently in Y3-5 you will have received information about their trip to PGL. Y5 will be going in May 2022 & Y3-4 in September 2021.

Please find full details here.

If you have any concerns about finances please contact the office to speak to Mrs Duffy.

The Inclusive Digital Safety hub from Internet Matters/SWGfL provides expert advice guides to support children who may be more likely to experience online risks such as those with additional needs, disabilities, or certain lifestyles.

Please find practical tips to equip your child with the right tools here.

Fabulous Fish and Chips!

From Year 4SC

Written by Thomas H and David E

Pictures and interviews by Zoe W and Linnea M


Do you want to know the latest info

in Y4SC? Well here it is! In year 4SC we have been making one of the nation’s most treasured dishes: fish and chips! (we actually called it to-fish and chips because the fish was actually tofu and that also means it is vegetarian, vegan and nut and egg free!)

About the system:

There was one head chef out of five people and the other four people were doing jobs such as grating the bread (we made the breadcrumbs ourselves), cutting and peeling the potatoes and cutting the Tofu. Everyone was very careful when handling knives and graters. The head chef’s job was to supervise what the people were doing and helping them every so often. The other people that weren’t the head chef did the work above. We spoke to head chefs Aloysia and Delilah to see what it was like:

Aloysia - It was really enjoyable and I really loved it. We don’t really do much cooking very often so it was great. I love cooking, it is one of my hobbies.

Delilah: I really enjoyed it, it was quite fun but I don’t want to take much responsibility as my team did really well!

What we did afterwards:

Afterwards, the class made adverts for their to-fish and chips. All the children did exceptionally well.

Here are some pictures of the children cooking and the finished product.

You have to admit it looks delicious!


Congratulations to the following children for receiving a Celebration Certificate last week:


ELMER AWARDEthan G (NPM), Thomas (R1) & Hugo (R2)
WINNIE THE WITCH AWARD Arthur & Felix (NAM) & Emi (R2)


CONFIDENCE AWARDEleanor (1M), Eliza (1M), Ana (3B) , Ayesha (3S) & Aran (5T)
COMMITMENT AWARDZaman (1B), Anna (2R), Yuan (2R), Evelyn (4S), Sara (4S), Sasha (4Sc), Thomas (5H) & Jonathan (5T)
COMMUNICATION AWARDIbrahim (1B), Madesh (2D) & Nasir (Y6)}
COLLABORATION AWARDEdward (2D), Jakob (2D), James (2D), Sidney (2D), Roby (2R) & Max 4Sc.
CREATIVITY AWARDIsla (1B), Shiv (1M), Arinna (3B), Daniel A (3S) & Locky (5H)
CRAFTMANSHIP AWARDSophie B (1M), Vasilianna (3B) & Emily (Y6)

Iris (2D) - For planning, writing and editing a fantastic information text about what makes Wimbledon a wonderful town. Well done Iris.












Well done to the following winners of the Arts Competition:

Lower School - Charis, Giulio, Tess, Eliza, Aariv, Maia & Nadia

Upper School - Aras, Federico, Kaya, Kellan, Alex, London, Nyah, Amelie, Rebecca, Gayatri, Pippa & Zacaiah.