Our school community will provide a caring, safe and supportive environment where everyone is encouraged to be creative, challenged and happy in their work and play, and where United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) are respected and valued by all.

Language of the Month


Key Dates for Summer 2

  • Monday 5th July - Friday 16th July - Y6 intensive swimming course

  • 7th July - Merton Secondary School Transition Day

  • 9th July - Reports sent out via ParentMail

  • w/c 12th July Tuesday Parent/carer consultation meetings

  • 16th July - Transition Day & One Page Profiles due

Dear Parents/ Carers,
It's been a busy week at Dundonald, we've had class and sibling photographs, Lower School Sports Day (pictures to come) and Year Six have had their France-Tastic week which included croissants for breakfast, baguettes for lunch and a glorious picnic on the rec. Make sure you a look at all the pictures on the tab above.
A huge thank you to the PTA for organising the recent second hand uniform sale which was a huge success - raising over ÂŁ500! Thank you to all those involved, we have saved lots of uniform from landfill.
We have also raised a huge amount for The Lunch Bowl Network for their Hungry, Happy Hippos campaign! The school was hit with hippo fever, they were so popular.

We are still reviewing our Behaviour & Discipline policy and would love to hear your thoughts. Please take time to read the policy and provide comments here. The policy is linked at the top of the form. Please can you take the time to do this before Monday 5th July.

Year 6 please families remember it's swimming next week.

Have a wonderful weekend, enjoy all the sporting activities!
Fiona Duffy

General News

  • Stitch Design have informed us that that Covid-19 will cause delays in the supply of school uniform, so please order any items required for the new term before the start of August.

  • Next week is the last week of Extended Provision, all activities will finish on 9th July. Information regarding provisions from September will be communicated as soon as possible.

  • Reports will be sent out via ParentMail on Friday 9th July.

Covid-19 Reminders

  • Ensure that if any members of your household are displaying symptoms, do not send your child into school until you have a negative PCR test.

  • If you have a notification that your household has been in direct contact with a positive case, current government guidance suggests those isolating get a PCR on day 5 of their isolation. Note a negative result does not release you from your isolation period.

  • Keep to the government guidance on gatherings and social distancing outside of school.

Please click here for full details.

One Page Profile

You will have received a ParentMail today regarding your child's One Page Profile. Please click here for the parent/carer information we require you to complete. Please ensure this is completed before 16th July when your child will spend a day in their new class.

We would like to remind families of the possibility to apply for Free School Meals (FSM), if they believe they may be eligible.

If you have never applied previously and think you might now be eligible to Free School Meals due to a change in circumstances, please apply online here.

M:Tech - Autumn Term

Staffing Update for 2021/22

In September we welcome Miss Powell, Miss Clarke and Miss Curran as class teachers and we welcome back Mrs Van Calenberg.

Teachers will be allocated to classes as follows:

Children in current Reception, Lower School and Upper School will have the opportunity to have time in their new classroom with their new class teacher on Friday 16th July.

We say goodbye to;

Mr Scott who is relocating to a different part of London, Mr Tyrell who is going to work for SEGA, Miss Mukhtar who is going to study to be a Speech and Language therapist, Mrs Esgate who is going to spend more time at her allotment, Miss Marques who is training to be a teacher and Mrs Slee who is going to spend more time with her family.

We thank them for their commitment and wish them well in the future.

Round up of the week

Extended Provision

Rafael in 3B created a wonderful piece of art this weekend on A3 absorbent paper using paint and other materials. It is inspired by the book 'Iron Man' by Ted Hughes, which we are reading in class.

Year 4Sc Article of the Week

Click the above image for the full article.

Online Safety at Home

For many parents and carers, finding out that their child is playing a game designed for older children can be a worry. You might be concerned about what they are seeing or hearing in the game or about the behaviour of other players.

Childnet takes a closer look at the ratings in games, gives you practical ways to respond to your child and signpost places to find alternative games that are more appropriate in their blog post 'Help - my child wants to play games that are too old for them'.

Home or Out Alone Parent/Carer Guide

This guide provides practical tips and advice to help parents and carers decide what is best for their child when it comes to staying home alone or going out alone.

It covers some of the risks parents should consider before making a decision, such as how their child feels about the idea and who they should contact in an emergency.

There is also a checklist for parents and children to work through together to help them prepare for different types of scenarios. This includes questions about what to do if there is an accident at home or they are approached by a stranger outside.


Congratulations to the following children for receiving a Celebration Certificate last week:




CONFIDENCE AWARDJames (2D), Ivo (2R), Luca (3B), Amy (Y6), Emily (Y6) & Caitlin (Y6)
COMMITMENT AWARDTimur (1B), Lucia (1M), Alex (2R), Sebastian (2R), Rocky (3B), Lucas 4Sc & Hadia (5T)
COMMUNICATION AWARDArtemii (1M), Philip (1M), Lisa (4S), Jayne (4Sc), Camilo (5H), Zoe (5H) & Alis (5T)
COLLABORATION AWARDAll of 1M, Amy, Emily & Caitlin (Y6)
CREATIVITY AWARDSebastian (2D), Benjamin (2R), Rafael (3B), Rachele (Y6)
CRAFTSMANSHIP AWARDMaddy (1M), Aella (2D), Emilio (4S)

For showing a real appetite to improve as a writer. Kiraz has listened positively to feedback and used this to make her story even better. I have loved seeing her show such determination to get better. Super effort, Kiraz!

UNICORN are this weeks House Cup winners!

The winners of the Rights Respecting Star of the Month (June) - Article 31 The Right to Play - are:

1M - Huxley

1B - Aryaveer

2R - Helen

2D - Elysa

3S - Yenny

3B - Ali-Kemal

4S - Alice

4SC - Lucas and Linnea

5T - Jonathan

5H - Hibah