Cowdenbeath league of boardgamers and roleplayers

Welcome to CLoBaR,

 Cowdenbeath's League of Boardgamers and Roleplayers.

CLoBaR is a community venture which seeks to bring Tabletop Hobbyists together from across Fife and beyond.

We get together at the Maxwell Centre, twice weekly on Wednesday evenings and Saturday afternoons to play games, create stories and build fun experiences.

Whether you are already a keen enthusiast or have recently been introduced to tabletop gaming, we have a seat at a table for you.

CLoBaR welcomes games from across the tabletop spectrum, but we especially encourage experiences which promote cooperative play and storytelling.

If there is a particular game you'd like to try, please speak to us. We have a broad range of games available and maybe some alternatives you were unaware of. Of course we'd love you to bring your own games; especially the poor wretched souls still in cellophane from a past birthday or festive event that have never had time on a table due to lack of interest from friends/family or simply a scarcity of play-space.

Volunteer Open Day-Saturday 9th March

My Cowdenbeath are hosting their next Volunteer Open Day this Saturday at the Maxwell Centre and we are gladdened to be returning to this very worthwhile event.

All of the organisations involved offer great opportunities for local people to play a part in building and enriching Cowdenbeath's community tapestry.

Myself and Matthew will be there to answer any questions relating to the club and talk about the potential for Cowdenbeath to bring folk together from much farther afield through games, creativity and storytelling.

Miniature Painting & Modelling???

I'd like to float the idea of adding paint/craft sessions to the CLoBaR remit. This would be an added session to our regular roster (monthly or fortnightly to start), where those who enjoy miniature-based games or RPGs with an added layer of immersion and spectacle can explore this area of the tabletop hobby together. CLoBaR would provide an array of materials and resources to this endeavour and encourage you to develop your skills on the club's miniatures and terrain for further club use. 

Any feedback or questions around the idea would very much be welcomed through the usual channels.