Parent Technology Support Website

Classlink - Launchpad

Students can log into Classlink from any web device to access programs and other tools that they use at school. 

They will log in with their username and password. Please contact your students' teacher if you are unsure of this information. 

Acceptable Usage Policy

All things Google 

Additional Information, FAQ's, and Troubleshooting 


Your child's teacher should be your first contact regarding any issues with logging into an account. You will receive usernames, emails and passwords from them. 

The front office of your child's building will also be able to assist you with getting a device due to quarantine. 

Devices and 1:1 


This video explains what to expect with your students school issued chromebook. 


The goal of providing access to  1:1 technology is to improve student achievement by providing opportunities for students to personalize learning through universal, uninterrupted access to knowledge that can transform teaching, learning, and assessments. 

What does 1:1 mean?

1:1 is shorthand for one-to-one. This means there will be one Chromebook for each student in grades nine through 12 that will be issued exclusively to them and that they will take home. 

Why Chromebooks?

Chromebooks provide the most cost-efficient avenue to help our students become engaged and lifelong learners. Chromebooks start up very quickly and have excellent battery life. 

Who receives a Chromebook?

Currently only students attending the Clinton High School, student who are doing virtual learning and those on quarantine will be issued a Chromebook. Many classrooms have classroom sets of Chromebooks or iPads. Additional Chromebook carts and iPad carts are available for teachers to check out in each building. 

Returning a device

Students who have been quarantined need to return devices, chargers, mice (if issued) the the office of the building that the student attends

Virtual students who are returning to in-person learning need to turn their device and charger into the Central Office. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

Here are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions: 

Q. What is the log on for my students chromebook, and where do I get it from? 

A. Your child will be issued an email and password from the school district. They must log on to the Chromebook with a school email. If your child does not know their email and password, you will be able to get that information from either your child's teacher or the building secretary of the building that they attend. 

Q. How do I get to Google Classroom?

A.  Watch this video with information on how to access Google Classroom. If you are still unable to access it, check the troubleshooting section for additional help. 

Q. My student has emailed their teacher, but has not heard back?

A. Make sure that your student is email from their school account. Also check to make sure that they have included a subject in their email so that it is not filtered as spam. 

Q. My students device has been damaged or broken. 

A. Contact the building secretary 


Google Classroom