Dear Parents,
In alignment with the district's core values, Clint ISD is excited to announce its partnership with Securly in safeguarding our students, your children.
Clint ISD is using Securly to keep students safe on their school-issued devices by internet filtering, but more importantly, monitoring and receiving alerts that point to self-harm and bullying. This service was implemented so that school administrators are able to partner with you to provide a safer online experience for your child.
Securly was chosen because we shared a vision of a safer, more productive digital world for our students. Additionally, we chose Securly for its strong adherence to data privacy and management laws.
As part of our commitment to your child's safety, we're now giving you access to the free Securly Home app. As a parent, you can use Securly to stay on top of your child's online activity in real-time from anywhere, with the Securly Home App. You can use this online activity feed to open a dialogue with your child about their digital lives. Securly will also send you weekly email reports with a snapshot of your student history.
A Special Note:
When using the "Pause" feature and blocking websites in your Securly Home App. For students learning in a remote environment, it is imperative that they be able to access the internet on their school device, as well as have access to the sites & videos that are part of their daily lessons.
Please make sure that if you have blocked any site that is needed for class, or blocked internet access with the Pause button, that you remember to unblock the site/unpause the device prior to instructional time
The Offline Schedules feature is a great alternative here as you do not need to remember to unpause the device.
How to: Securly Parent Video in English
Video para padres de Securly en Español
For the best Securly Home experience (parents/guardians) should download the Securly Home App for Android or iOS.
There is also a web interface available at:
To use the Securly Home App
You must log in with the email address listed as the guardian email address in Skyward Family Access.
Only parents/guardians listed in Skyward can access Securly.
Both parents can have access and controls will be in sync with each other.
Questions About Your Account
Please contact Help Desk 915-926-4121 or Help Desk Email:
Questions About Securly Home App
Contact Securly directly: