Student Health Records Release of Information Procedures
The following procedures are to be followed when there is a request for medical records from a parent/guardian or a third party.
All medical records request must be submitted online through Clint ISD's Open Records Request.
Requests will be processed within 10 business days.
Vaccination Records Request
If a parent/guardian requests vaccination records
For actively enrolled students, the parent/guardian may access their students vaccination record through the Skyward Family Access by logging in with their user name and password. The vaccination record is available under the Health information tab.
The campus nurse may release vaccination records if the student is actively enrolled in Clint ISD and is under the age of 18 years.
To release the vaccination records, the nurse must obtain a copy of the requesters ID to verify that the individual is the student’s parent/guardian and that they are authorized to request the information.
Vaccination records must be picked up in person by the requester or can be mailed by USPS mail. Records will not be emailed, faxed or sent by text message. No exceptions.
Requests will be processed within 10 business days.
Medical Records, to include vaccination records, for inactive students may not be released by the campus nurse and the request must be submitted online through Clint ISD's Open Records Request.
If the student is inactive and is an adult, records may not be released to the parent. The request must be submitted by the student online through Clint ISD's Open Records Request.