Career and Technical Education

CTE Mission

The mission of the Clint Independent School District is to prepare all students to be successful citizens. The District will work in partnership with the community and the family to create opportunities for the student to maximize personal potential.

CTE Vision

Together we Build Tomorrow and we can accomplish this by teaching today for the professions of tomorrow.

Clint ISD offers Career and Technical Education programs within the following 11 of the 14 career clusters as defined by the U.S. Department of Education: Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources, Architecture and Construction, Arts, Audio/Video Technology and Communications, Business Marketing and Finance, Health Science, Human Services, Hospitality and Tourism, Law and Public Service, Manufacturing, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, Transportation, Distribution and Logistics.

Through our Career and Technical Education programs we serve close to 2,600 students in grades 8-12. Since 2017-18, we have increased the number of programs of study from 21 to 25. Part of our programs of study include, Animal Science, Applied Agricultural Engineering, Biomedical Science, Business Management, Electrical, Design and Multimedia Arts, Culinary Arts, Programming and Software Development, Healthcare Therapeutic and Nursing Science.

The involvement of secondary partners, postsecondary partners and industry partners play a crucial role in the development and implementation of CTE programs of study. These partnerships provide our district's Local Advisory Committee recommendations on course offerings and curricula, in-demand career information, and examples of real-world situations. Presently, Clint High School is a designated P-TECH campus. Collaboration between Clint ISD, El Paso Community College, Educate Texas and Workforce Solutions Borderplex is key in the success of our CTE programs. We value the support and assistance our partners provide in mentorship and internship opportunities for all our CTE students.

CTE Focus Areas

  • Align CTE programs with high-wage, in-demand, and high skill occupations in the state of Texas

  • Increase opportunities for students to earn credentials (industry-based certifications, level I and II certifications and associate's degrees)

  • Support the integration of academic skills into CTE classrooms and POS by providing professional development for CTE teachers, faculty, administrators and instructional support staff

  • Plan and carry out elements that support the implementation of CTE programs and POS that result in increasing student achievement

  • Provide career exploration activities and assist students in making informed decisions about future programs of study and endorsements at the middle school level

  • Develop and maintain industry partnerships to increase the opportunities for student work-based learning experiences