
KDC Athletics Info Hub: 11/5/20

Hello Families!

Wow. It is November 2020. The previous 8 months are like nothing we have been through before. They very tough for many of us and nearly impossible for the rest. We all have had to overcome disappointments, hurts, and frustrations, then push through uncertainties and obstacles to get to this point. I want to acknowledge that, showing respect your perseverance as a family before I continue with an Athletics Department update.

You are a valued and supported stakeholder (family member) to the entire KDC staff. That includes Athletics. The coaches and I have worked incredibly hard to stay connected to our student-athletes through in-person workouts and now with online team activities. I am so grateful to report zero workout attendees contracted Covid-19 throughout our Summer and Fall athletic activities. Thank you for your support at home and thinking safety first while sending your children to workouts.

At this time we do not have permission to practice in our school gymnasium. Denver Public Schools Safety also prohibits us from any indoor team workouts. I am ok with that as my primary goal is towards stakeholder safety and in-person school. If we get permission to have practices inside the school, we will work incredibly hard to keep your children safe from Covid by following all City and State indoor Covid safety guidelines.

Next KDC Athletics activities: Boys and Girls Basketball start now!

  • Official practices begin January 4th; games begin January 7th and end seven weeks later on February 26th.

  • Currently, team meetings and workouts are being done on Zoom until we can practice in our gymnasiums. Get connected today!

  • Players are expected to do conditioning workouts on their own at least 4x a week as we will not have much time for conditioning once we get in our gymnasiums.

If your student has not joined and is interested, they are needed. Please go to this link to let me know of their interest:

My Best,

Coach Ed

KDC Athletics Info Hub: 9/15/20

Hello Tigers!

Before I continue, I must make all students and families aware that KIPP Athletics is happening and you are wanted and needed. In fact, you are missing out on the fun and work taking place during off-season workouts. Contact me with questions and how to get involved. We not only need competitors but also team managers and photographers.

Calling all new KDC students!

Do you want and need to get involved? Or just need a break from online learning and staying at home? Join Us Today! Here is what we are doing currently and the upcoming seasons for your review.

OFF-SEASON Workouts (use these to get practice and to see if this is something you want to do)

  • Boys Soccer: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 6-7:30pm on our TIGER Futbol Field

  • Boys Basketball: Fridays, 6-7:30pm (inside and outside; text 303-668-1007 for location)

  • Girls Basketball: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 4-6pm (inside and outside; text 303-668-1007)

  • Girls Volleyball: Wednesdays, 5:30-7:15pm, outside on the grass field behind KSPA

  • You Must Attend and Leave wearing a Mask. Parents must sign permission slips.

Seasons Begin:

  • Boys and Girls Basketball: Jan 3 - Feb 28 (official practices in November)

  • Boys Soccer and Girls Volleyball: Mar 1 - May 1 (official practices in February)

  • Baseball, Boys Volleyball, and Girls Soccer: May 1 - June 18 (official practices in March)

  • Don't wait. Attend the Off-season workouts with coaches to improve and know teammates.

  • Must be grade eligible week to week to compete; one F means you miss games for a week.

I miss you. Your teachers miss you. The building misses you. We look forward to seeing you soon,

My Best, Coach Ed

KDC Athletics Info Hub: 8/24/20

YES! Welcome back Tigers,

There is so much gratitude as we start another year of KDC Athletics. I must thank our coaches who without hesitation provide off-season workouts for 64 KIPP Denver Student-Athletes! Girls Basketball, Boys Soccer, Girls Volleyball, Boys Basketball, and Cross Country all participated in Summer workouts and it was a beautiful thing!

To the dozens of Tigers that were able to join in this Summer, Thank you. Connecting with teammates, classmates, friends, and coaches was very important for you and for us. I am so committed to off-season workouts going forward. So much that we will continue to offer them if we all commit to the Covid-19 Safety Guidelines set by the State of Colorado, Denver Public Schools, and the Colorado High School Activities Association (CHSAA).

  • All participants: temperature taken, no Covid-19 symptoms, no shared drinks/snacks including water, must arrive and leave wearing a mask, etc.

XCOUNTRY: Boys and Girls XC is the only KDC sports we are allowed to offer at this time. Practices began on August 10th. The 1st race is Thursday, August 27th and races will continue through October 6th. If you are interested, connect with me immediately,

  • Practices and Races daily until October 6th


  • Girls Volleyball: Wednesdays evenings, 5:30-7:30pm behind KSPA building

  • Boys Soccer: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 6-7:30pm on the soccer field

  • Boys Basketball: Friday evenings, 6-7:30pm on the courts near the gym

  • Girls Basketball: Mondays and Wednesdays, 4-6pm, resumes Sept. 9th

If you have any questions, send me an email. You are needed. We are "ALL IN". Will you be?

My Best,

Coach Ed

KDC Athletics Info Hub: 4/24/20

Hello Tigers,

We have been so appreciative of your efforts in classes and showing the leadership and perseverance undoubtedly learned from a variety of sources including team sports. I ask that you don’t turn your motor off and finish this race called the 2019-2020 school year with your absolute best.

With the same resolve to train on your own, attend tough practices after long school days, to be on time, to not let your team down, and to compete and win, I hope you are learning new things about yourselves. Things like: you do have the needed self-discipline to be successful and have even more determination to be someone extraordinary.

Do a little self evaluation and write down ways you can overcome whatever challenges you are experiencing or hearing about, then talk about these with friends and family and develop ideas that could use and possibly change your world! That is true leadership! You are capable of that. Don’t back down, don’t shut off, and don’t give up whatsoever. You are top-shelf. If you were not, you wouldn’t be a KIPP Denver Collegiate Tiger.

Regarding Summer or Off-Season team workouts:

As you know, the Colorado High Schools Activities Association (CHSAA) has suspended all High School sports for the remainder of the school year. On Wednesday, April 22nd, CHSAA made the decision to have individual school districts make decisions regarding Summer activities that are scheduled for after June 1st.

It is my goal to schedule organized training(s) beginning June 1st, but we cannot until we hear from Denver Public Schools. I expect to hear from DPS by May 10th or sooner if we, and all other DPS High Schools, are allowed to be inside or outside on school grounds. If yes, then we will have organized team workouts. Your coaches and I are waiting patiently to be allowed to meet with you all and move forward with KDC Athletics.

Until then, please take your daily attendance surveys and complete your class work with excellence. Your grades will count toward academic eligibility next Fall (Men’s Soccer, Women’s Volleyball, and Cross Country).

I miss you all. Please send questions to

My best,

Coach Ed

KDC Athletics Info Hub page: 4/5/2020

Hello Tigers,

In a decision from last Thursday, April 2nd, The Colorado High School Activities Association (CHSAA) has suspended all Colorado high school sports through the end of the school year. This means that our Spring seasons are over. As I mentioned previously, I am heartbroken that Baseball, Men’s Volleyball, and Women’s Soccer cannot continue their seasons.

I’ve tried to put myself in the shoes of you Women soccer players who attended the voluntary team workouts on Wednesday and Friday mornings at 6am when most of your classmates were just getting out of bed. I thought about you running the halls and stairs for conditioning. I thought about you running outside watching the sun rise thinking about the great potential the team had with a lot of top Senior experience and leadership. And the baseball players attending after school workouts on Mondays and Thursdays. I could see your goals of accomplishing a successful winning season with every crack of the bat in the West gym hitting nets and the pitching workouts in the East gym. I cannot tell you enough how apologetic I am for your seasons to end without ever getting a chance to playout. There were so many great memories not made and for that, I am sorry. Men’s Volleyball, you all were gracious for the opportunity to play alongside DSST College View and strong effort, 6 of you earned spots on that team. Thank you for representing KDC with class. Because of you, I believe that we need to develop our own team in 2021.

With that being said, I never want you to take KDC Athletics for granted. The opportunity to play High School Sports is a privilege earned by individual hard work, a respect for others, a love of the sport, and a team-first strong desire to overcome and win. In return, KDC Athletics promises to make you a leader in our hallways, in your families, in the classroom, and on your campus this year and for the next handful of years.

Please stay prepared for your next opportunities to compete. I will provide you with updates as soon as possible regarding:

  • Summer Women’s Softball for ages 16 and under (league organizers are unsure if their league will be able to schedule games in June and July)

  • Men’s and Women’s Summer Basketball workouts and tournament(s)

  • Men’s and Women’s Cross Country Summer trainings

  • Men’s Soccer Summer workouts, KSPA Camps, and scrimmage(s)

  • Women’s Volleyball 4:30pm workouts

Please be patient as I will not have specifics until May 1st at the earliest. Below are a couple websites that will help strengthen joints and improve flexibility so when you return to team training, you return at a high level.

A message from Coach Ed

Helloooooo KDC!

You are truly missed. I miss you stopping by my office to say hi and seeing you in the halls so I can say “Good Morning,” “What’s up,” and “have a great night.” For all the incredible hard work, great ideas, and amazing willingness to get our KDC students back to learning and completing what they started, I want to thank and show gratitude to our teachers, office team, principals, and KIPP Colorado.

Quickly, I’d like to address a two things: you finishing the school year KDC Strong and a Spring Sports update!

I am calling on your excellence and discipline to give your absolute best during our online learning. Yes, your effort, preparation, attendance, and grades will count. You and millions of other high school students are having to discipline themselves for online school success. Give your best. Ask for help. Show incredible dedication. Be exceptional. If you do this, you will be grade-eligible to compete next Fall in Women’s Volleyball, XCountry, and Men’s Soccer because If you have more than 2 F’s at the end of the school year, you are eligible to tryout in the Fall, but you may have to miss half the season and sit out matches or races until mid-September.

My hearts hurts for our KDC baseball, men’s volleyball, and women’s soccer players. Everyone saw your hard work with goals of making the season special. Your coaches miss you and know you were headed for individual and team success.

At this time, the Colorado High School Activities Association (CHSAA) is calling for a suspension of all high school sports through April 18th. What this means is that there is a chance we still get to play this Spring, but we cannot get together until April 20th at the earliest. CHSAA says coaches cannot meet with or require players to get together for workouts or trainings. The City of Denver is also prohibiting players from getting together (social distancing) to train.

Again, the suspension hurts my heart but there is a chance, albeit a small one, that we can compete this Spring. Until then, please try to stay prepared by completing online workouts that you can do in your house or yards. Here are a couple sights and a home exercise chart that will remove anxiety, strengthen your joints and improve flexibility so when we return, you return at a high level and avoid injury.

Check out this website for training ideas!

Also look here!

I will do my best to keep you all updated with any changes and to encourage you as you give your best towards online learning. If you need anything at all, please reach out to your teachers and the leadership team. More than anything, we want you to be successful. Believe that.

Check KDC Athletics Facebook Page using THIS LINK!