Oil & Gas Lobby Group Profiles

American Petroleum Institute

The American Petroleum Institute is the largest U.S. trade association for the oil and gas industry, representing some 600 members.

Key Personnel

CEO Mike Sommers: In 2019, the American Petroleum Institute’s 501(c)6 trade group reported spending $2,590,284 in compensation to CEO Michael Sommers. An additional $1,292,203 was also reported from organizations related to the 501(c)6 non-profit as additional compensation to Sommers. (At least $3.8 million total).

Amanda Eversole, Executive Vice President & Chief Advocacy Officer

Frank Macchiarola, Senior Vice President, Policy, Economics and Regulatory Affairs.

Rolf Hanson, Vice President, State Government Relations.

Connected Entities

API PAC - federal PAC.

Campaigns & Lobbying

Lobbying Spending:

Issue Campaigns: API spends millions on public campaigns annually


American Gas Association

The American Gas Association, founded in 1918, is a 501(c)(6) group that claims to represent more than 200 energy companies in the natural gas sector across the U.S.

Key Personnel

President & CEO Karen A. Harbert.

George Lowe, Vice President, Governmental Affairs and Public Policy

Connected Entities

American Gas Association PAC (GASPAC) - federal PAC.

American Gas Association Foundation - 501(c)(3) non-profit organization serving as “an independent source of information research and programs on energy and environmental issues that affect public policy, with a particular emphasis on natural gas.”

Your Energy America (YEA) - front group used to promote natural gas pipelines, particularly the Atlantic Pipeline.

Campaigns & Lobbying

Lobbying Spending:


Lobbying Spending Amount

2019: $1,460,000

2020: $1,270,000

2021: $1,370,000

2022: $960,000

Issue Campaigns:


Independent Petroleum Association of America

The Independent Petroleum Association of America is a 501 (c)(6) non-profit organization that has “represented independent oil and natural gas producers for 90 years.”

Key Personnel

President & CEO Jeff Eshelman.

Vice President of Government Relations & Political Affairs, Ryan Ullman

Vice President of Government Relations, Mallori Miller

Connected Entities

Independent Petroleum Association of America, Wildcatters Fund PAC - federal PAC.

Energy in Depth - front group.

IPAA National Election Center - voter engagement effort.

Campaigns & Lobbying

Lobbying Spending:

Issue Campaigns: 


Western Energy Alliance

The Western Energy Alliance, previously the Independent Petroleum Association of Mountain States, was founded in 1974 as a 501(c)(6) nonprofit based in Denver, Colorado. Today the trade group represents over 300 oil and gas companies.

Key Personnel

President, Kathleen Sgamma

VP of Public Affairs, Aaron Johnson

Connected Entities

Western Energy Alliance PAC - federal PAC.

Western Wire - pseudo news site established in 2017 with the goal of being “the go-to source for news, commentary and analysis on pro-growth, pro-development policies across the West.”

Source Rock Blog - WEA President Kathleen Sgamma seems to be the sole contributor to the organization’s blog, which dates back to February 2020.

Western Energy Alliance Legal Defense Fund - the group’s legal arm.

Campaigns & Lobbying

Lobbying Spending:

Issue Campaigns:


The American Energy Alliance/Institute for Energy Research

American Energy Alliance (AEA) is a 501(c)(4) not-for-profit organization. The group was formed in May 2008 as the advocacy arm of the Institute for Energy Research (IER).

Key Personnel

President, Tom Pyle

Senior Vice President of Policy, Dan Kish

Director of Policy and Federal Affairs, Kenny Stein

Connected Entities

IER grew from the Institute For Humane Studies Of Texas, which was originally founded by Charles Koch in 1989. IER has taken contributions from Exxon Mobil, the Charles G Koch Charitable Foundation, and several Koch-related organizations.

Masterresource.org - IER manages this “free-market energy blog” that features contributions from known climate deniers including Alex Epstein.

Energy Townhall - AEA manages the Energy Townhall blog.

Campaigns & Lobbying

Lobbying: Neither IER or AEA have reported federal lobbying expenses, according to OpenSecrets.

Issue Campaigns:


U.S. Chamber of Commerce

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is the world’s largest business organization, and the largest lobbying organization in the U.S.

Key Personnel

Connected Entities

U.S. Chamber of Commerce PAC - political action committee.

U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation - 501(c)(3) foundation.

Center for International Private Enterprise - non-profit affiliate of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

Campaigns & Lobbying

Lobbying Spending:

Lobbying Issues:

Issue Campaigns:


The Empowerment Alliance

The Empowerment Alliance (TEA) was founded as a 501c4 in 2019 with an aim to combat the Green New Deal and promote natural gas. Jim Nathanson serves as the group’s Executive Director. The organization’s donors are anonymous.

Key Personnel

Executive Director,  James ‘Jim’ Nathanson

Spokesperson, Terry Holt

Spokesperson, Ian Prior

Connected Entities

Blue Energy Nation - ‘grassroots’ campaign pushing energy independence.

HDMK - Spokesperson Terry Holt’s PR and communications firm. The group reportedly runs communications for TEA.

Campaigns & Lobbying

Lobbying Spending: TEA has reported no lobbying activity as of April 2022.

Issue Campaigns:

Campaign Cash: TEA reported no campaign contributions in the 2019-2020 cycle.
