Our Courses

Computational Tools for Climate Science 

Course Dates: July 15 - 26, 2024

Course applications open March 1, 2024 for students and TAs.

Read more about our course here: 


Our course is an intensive 2-week program involving hands-on tutorials developed and taught by leading experts. Students are placed into Teaching Assistant led students groups using the neuromatch algorithm, which matches students based on common interests, timezone and their preferred language. Students receive personalized support as they work through hands-on tutorials (~ 4 hours a day) and collaborate on course projects (~3 hours a day, optional). A 1-week Python tutorial will be offered prior to the start of Climatematch Academy for students with little or no coding experience.

In order to capture all aspects of traditional summer schools, students will also be offered mentoring, professional development seminars, career panels and opportunities to virtually socialize with their fellow students.

All of our course materials are freely available to use in your own courses, teaching experiences, and other content as all of our materials have a CC-BY license.

Course Outline

You can find additional course information and the outline here: Computational Tools for Climate Science
In addition to this, Neuromatch are offering two other summer courses: "Computational Neuroscience" and "Deep Learning". 


It is Climatematch Academy primary goal to bring together present and future climate scientists from all paths of life independent of their financial resources. While traditional summer schools can be expensive, the Climatematch Academy charges low, regionally adjusted tuition fees, and offers fee waivers where needed without impact on admission. 

While we do not want fees to be a barrier for anybody, we encourage students to contribute partially or in full if their financial situation allows for it. Additionally, there are opportunities to help subsidize fee waivers for other students with less financial means.

To estimate your course fees based on your region, use our COLA Calculator.

Where does my tuition go?

While Climatematch Academy is supported by generous donations from foundations and industry partners, we strive to make the program sustainable through tuition fees. The primary reason for charging tuition fees is to ensure that our teaching assistants receive appropriate compensation.