How does this all work?

The Clifton Public School District offers instrumental music instruction to 4th and 5th grade students. 

Students have the opportunity to take lessons on string, woodwind, brass, or percussion instruments. 

String Instruments: violin, viola, cello 

Woodwind Instruments: flute, clarinet, alto saxophone

Brass Instruments: trumpet, trombone, baritone

Percussion: drums

Learning to play a musical instrument can be one of the most enriching school experiences, resulting in both academic and social benefits. Research has shown that participation in music:

Who can Join?

Any student entering 4th or 5th grade may join the instrumental music program.

How do we register?

Fill out an enrollment form provided at the top of this page by the band/string teacher, indicating three instruments that your child is interested in playing. 

What costs are involved in participation?

We strongly encourage renting an instrument as your child begins our program. Depending on the instrument, a yearly rental through Music Shop can cost $12-$22 each month during the school year.

What if I am unable to pay for the cost of the instrument rental?

The Music Angels Program is a nonprofit organization that is run through Clifton Public Schools. The program rents instruments to students at a reduced cost for families going through financial hardship. To qualify, your child must be on free/reduced lunch status and submit an application (provided by your band/string teacher upon request).

When do lessons start?

Lessons begin in September. All new students enrolling in the program are required to have an instrument by Friday, October 7th, 2022.

When would my child have lessons?

Students meet once a week in small group lessons. Lessons are 35 minutes long, and are on a rotating schedule during the school day.

How much does my child have to practice each week?

Band/string students will be required to practice about 10 minutes each day. Playing an instrument is a skill that needs to be developed through repetition. Regular practice habits are necessary to strengthen and develop the muscles and coordination needed to master their instrument.

Will my child have opportunities to perform?

Your child will be able to show off their new musical talent at our annual Winter and Spring Concerts. More detailed information will be given to you by your child's band/string teacher closer to those concert dates.

What is my first step in signing my child up to play an instrument?

Visit the "Sign Up Form" page of this website to fill out an enrollment form for your student. Here you be able to submit your contact information, and your student will be asked to list three instruments that they would be interested in playing. After your form is received, you will be contacted by the band/strings teacher on how to proceed.


Who do I contact with any questions?

Band Teachers

Mrs. Bethany Louie - - Schools #1, #5, #8, #9

Mr. Ron Garofalo - - Schools #2, #4, #12, #15

Mr. Steve Nowakowski - - Schools #3, #14, #16

Mr. Wes Krygsman - - Schools #11, #13, #17

Strings Teachers

Ms. Claire Wilson - - Schools #1, #5, #11, #12

Ms. Mary Elder - - Schools #2, #4, #9, #13, #14

Ms. Shang Ying-Lee - - Schools #3, #15, #16, #17

Mr. Wes Krygsman - - School #8

Supervisor of Fine and Performing Arts

Mr. Jason Leshowitz -